Yoga against bronchitis.

Hoarse voice, exhausting cough, shortness of breath ... If we got those symptoms - perform complex, including the disclosure of asanas chest, twisting, inverted asanas, tilt Pashchimotanasane. By the way, a similar set of shows for people with asthma. In order to have a therapeutic effect manifested asanas it is necessary to maintain a minimum of 1-1.5 minutes, preferably 3-5 minutes. 20-30 seconds is enough. Therefore, a sober assessment of their physical condition, if there is a fever over 37 ° C, or you feel weak, practice Shavasana and other treatments.
If you beat a cough and you feel heaviness in the chest, do the following sequence:
1. Ushtrasana (Camel Pose) 1 minute
2. ECC Mukha Shvanasana (dog muzzle up) (1, 5 minutes) or Bhudzhangasana (cobra) 6
3. Sarvangasana (birch) (3 minutes)
4. Matsyasana (Fish Pose) (2 minutes)
5. Marichasana (twisted sitting) or Ardhamatiendrasana (1 minute on each side)
6. Pashchimotanasana (tilt to both legs) (2 minutes).
After the complex sense of relief, cough goes away, the body relaxes and comes healing sleep.
Asanas can be replaced by similar, if you want to do a little pre-warm-up and compensation after a deflection. When dry cough drink more warm liquid herbal teas expectorant and anti-inflammatory action.
Plus known since childhood inhalation over a saucepan of hot boiled potatoes or decoction of eucalyptus under a blanket - and you're on your feet