20 Tips for Self Improvement

1. Go to the stairs.
Climbing the stairs, a person burns 11 calories per minute - that is how much you would have spent jogging.
2. Assist the stomach.
Cup of mint tea after meals helps digestion and prevent bloating.
Z. Do not forget about the legs.
To the feet were soft as a baby, do not be lazy to peel them and feed.
4. Swing the press.
To become flat belly, do not forget to carry out a special exercise: lie down on the floor, bend your knees, feet press down to the floor, his hands - at the back. Straining abdominal muscles, lift the body so that the floor came off the shoulders and shoulder blades. Hold this position (slow count to four), then lowers back. Breathe the air while lying on his back, and climbing up - exhale.
5. Straighten your hair.
The girl with smooth hair looks thinner due to straight vertical strands.
6. Select the color.
Wear clothes of one color. No matter what it will be - black or color - it will create the visual effect of a slim silhouette.
7. There are dried fruits.
For example, dried apricots, prunes, figs - they are rich in vitamins and trace elements.
8. Choose chocolate.
Bear in mind that the only useful dark - there are many small sugar and cocoa beans (about 70%). It helps to control blood sugar levels and, accordingly, your desire to eat sweets in large quantities.
9. Eat regularly.
If you do not have breakfast instead of lunch sat in a meeting with the boss, and at half-time a quick snack sandwich at your body simply does not have the energy to remain beautiful.
10. Make friends with the sport.
Remember - it is important to the quality and not the quantity of employment. Even a short ten-minute workout can improve your figure.
11. Wear heels.
Firstly, they visually lengthen the leg. Second, when you're in heels - pulled muscles and legs look slimmer. However, avoid the straps at the ankles - they negate the effect of lengthening, and do not wear platform shoes - they just spoil the silhouette. Keep in mind that the ideal - heels no higher than 5 cm.
12. Do not abuse diets.
Experts say that it leads to the depletion of muscle mass, slower metabolism and as a consequence, to an increased demand of an organism in fatty foods. Simple solutions, they can not offer, but asked us to eat, and hungry wisely.
13. Most laughing.
When you heartily hohochesh, abdominal muscles actively reduced.
14. To love grapefruit.
Their juice - a natural diuretic that relieves edema. In addition, it is very rich in vitamin C, so by drinking fresh juice of one grapefruit, you get a real energy boost!
15. Watch for calories.
Avoid high-fat and high-calorie foods such as fried potatoes and cakes. Give preference to boiled rice, tomato sauce, fish and vegetables.
16. Stay straight.
Good posture is not only adds growth, but also promotes deeper breathing, and as a result - the enrichment of cells with oxygen.
17. Respect proteins.
A diet rich in protein, helps the body to control appetite and produce the hormone glucagon, the shortage of which we are starting very fat. Want fats are rapidly cleaved in the body - eat fish and legumes.
18. To fight against cellulite.
That the skin was smooth, try using anti-cellulite capsules. This clinically tested supplement designed to relieve you from the "orange peel».
20. Do not blame yourself.
Even if you ate several servings of ice cream and jam. Usually the food is pulling out of boredom or loneliness, so try to eat in the company - you will not have time (and improper) eat delicacies kilograms.