Toned body: How to create a flat stomach?

1. knees bent hands behind his head, lifting, lifting blades - exhale, lower - breath. Hands do not adhere to the sides of his elbows, his head looking up. Powered top press. 3 sets of 25p. Every 25th time the spring (pull up).
2. Lying on his back, his hands under the buttocks, lift straight legs. On the exhale, lift, inspiratory omit high legs do not raise (50 times without stopping). You can start with 15-20. (lower abs)
3. Cross your legs at the knees, so as to form a right angle, hands behind his head, with a margin of lifting blades, breathing technique is the same. Do not bend your elbows. (work all the abdominal muscles)
4. The legs under him (as a crossed-legged). Perform lying, twisting, 3 sets of 20 (works upper and lower press)
5. knees bent. Hands behind your head to the castle, in turn are drawn elbows to the knees, bend the body are drawn. (2 sets of 50) (work oblique abdominal muscles).
Subject to these recommendations by 1, 5-2 months abdominal muscles get stronger and be good to keep the abdominal wall.
Important to know:
Swing the press in the morning before eating or through 2-2, 5:00 after the meal. Not receiving support from outside the energy, the body is forced to burn subcutaneous fat stock pressinguemoy body.
When training the abdominal muscles do not perform exercises with great effort, as this could lead to divergence and the formation of a hernia. Also, do not repeat multiple light exercise is ineffective. Each exercise is repeated at least 16-20 times. Exercises are given on the principle - from easy to more difficult.
Do not forget to do regular exercises and invisible stomach - pull in and relax the abdominal wall (repeat 8 times).
Also exercises also useful daily rubbing stomach cold water first from the right side (at the waist) to the left and vice versa, then circular motion clockwise.
At high physical exertion required to wear a support belt. Also, it is essential during pregnancy (special support belt, which can be narrow and expand).
It is worth to pay attention to women that begin to deal with the strengthening of the abdominal muscles after vaginal delivery is possible only after 6-8 weeks after cesarean section - through 2-2, 5 months. Do not rush with exercise and during the recovery period, pay attention to diet.
Also, when the weakened abdominal wall, especially during sudden weight loss or after delivery should be, useful to rub his stomach following mixture:
rosemary broth (tablespoon to 0, 5 liters of water), 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons vodka and 1 tablespoon salt.
Several rules of training the abdominal muscles:
- Never use weights. Weight generates voluminous muscles.
- Never train directly oblique abdominal muscles, especially if you have wide hips and broad waist. Developed obliques visually make the waist even wider.
- During exercise press keep in constant tension. Watch out for exercise equipment. The result will be better if you make 20 times, but correctly, 50 times carelessly.
- Train with intensity. Some trainers advise to spare himself, saying that it is possible to do things half-heartedly. Of course, you can, if you train for fun, but if you want good results, you need to be laid out.