Rules of drawing up individual training programs on the relief:

During training on the relief work with less weight and perform 15-20 repetitions to failure in each set. Make your muscles as if "burning". During mnogopovtornoy workout you burn a lot more calories than usual. And how to make the body burn calories while resting from a workout?
Along with mnogopovtornym regime and lightweight perform 1 set of each exercise with a maximum weight for you. That is, the weight that you can lift the technically correct no more than 8 times. This will force you to spin your metabolism and the body will burn fat even during a night's sleep or rest.
Increase the number of workouts per week to 5. This increase in the amount of up to 5 workouts a week allows you to achieve maximum results in the sleeves of excess weight. Everything lies in the fact that by applying mnogopovtorny exercise routine you burn the bulk of the calories and fat during exercise is, and if the amount of training to do more, consequently, devoid of weight you remove more. The arithmetic is simple ... Some of you will wonder today - and how rest between workouts? He's got to be 48 hours for muscle growth. Remember - while working on relief about any muscle building is not out of the question. Now the main job is to squeegee the excess weight and gain muscle mass preservation.
Diet. Nutrition plays a great role during the drying process. Perhaps even more than training, so the theme of the power supply while working on relief, I moved to a separate post that will go next. But remember the main thing - a strict diet with a minimal amount of fats and carbohydrates - the basis of the relief body. It will not be easy, but in the end - all justified. The basic rule - calories, take less food than you expend.
Aerobic work. Of course, during the active aerobic work, you burn a lot of fat than during training with the iron. So I recommend doing aerobic work 2 days a week, and the remaining 3 days of work with iron. Maximum efficiency sports that help to lose weight - it's swimming, running, fitness. I recommend also to use an elliptical trainer for these purposes.
Rest between sets during mnogopovtornogo mode should be reduced to 1 minute. Thus, you will achieve maximum Pumping muscles and maximum Squeegee excess weight due to the accelerated circulation of blood through the vessels and tissues of your body. The ideal interval between sets - give yourself a breath and move on to the next approach.
Press. Abdominal exercises should pay attention to every practice and do 5 sets of before and after the main workout.
The duration of the program is determined individually on the terrain and can take 4 to 8 weeks depending on the amount of body fat, metabolic rate, body type and course of the correctness of the diet. Typically, the average athlete is enough for 4 weeks for complete drying. That is exactly 4 weeks, we will be with you and to navigate.