Malnutrition after exercise can make them useless or even harmful. What it is, after sports, and what should not be categorically feast?
Want to lose weight? Then do not eat 2-3 hours after school. Why is that? Because during the workout you start fat-burning mechanism, which will be active not only during lessons but also after them. Simply put, you do not exercise, but still lose weight.
The fact that the fat (namely fat instead of carbohydrates) burns not only and not so much during the actual classes, as after it. Studies show that after an intense workout, the body burns fat intensively for 48-72 hours, and after medium intensity training - up to 48 hours. However, if the clock it receives enough energy from food in their "storage" it to climb to anything. That's why after an intense cardio, most of us are ravenous hunger. And gorge. As a result, weight loss does not occur.
If you want to strengthen your muscles, then within an hour of physical activity required to eat something high in protein. For example, cheese, eggs, seafood, lean meat, poultry, fish and legumes. It is better to buy the cheese fat up to 4%, and cheese - to 9%.
After training the body are essential proteins and carbohydrates, while, depending on the load (force or aerobic), their relationship will look like this: After aerobics - about 60% carbohydrates and 40% protein. It carbohydrates are the restoration of glycogen (fuel for the muscles). After power-load ratio "protein-carbohydrate" is reversed: 60% will already be proteins, and 40% - carbohydrates. For those who combine strength training with aerobic better comply with the ratio in favor of protein.
Strongly should not eat after a workout fats and caffeine.
Fat slows intake of protein and carbohydrates from the stomach into the bloodstream, so watch out for fat protein foods that you eat after a workout. Everything should be as low-fat.
Caffeine interferes with glycogen supply in the muscles and liver and thus eliminate all the training that contain caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, etc. Therefore, if you train in the morning, be patient for 2 hours, and only then drink a real strong coffee.