Vegetable skewers marinated based on pineapple and spices.

Not far off the long-awaited summer and many people are already preparing for a barbecue out in the country, where you can enjoy not only fresh air, but also tasty and juicy kebabs lamb, pork and beef. But what raw foodists who are contraindicated such food? If you eat only raw and natural foods, you should not panic from the fact that you no longer have the luck to have barbecues, because of raw vegetables, you can quickly and easily prepare delicious barbecue.
Skewer for raw foodists will be prepared from fruits and vegetables. To do this, you can use broccoli florets, chopped bell pepper, yellow pepper, red onion, inflorescence brussel sprouts, a quarter cup of dried apricots, which must be pre-soaked in water and let it stand for about two hours, and finely chopped herbs to taste. As the "meat" for the barbecue can also use squash, mushrooms, cabbage and other vegetables. For preparing crown dish picnics and outings, must be soaked in water for half an hour six bamboo sticks. Prepare the marinade: put all the ingredients in a blender and grind until the liquid marinade.
On bamboo stick skewered pieces of vegetables and put them in a dish with a wide brim. Skewer pour the marinade and leave for three hours, during which the need to periodically pour the marinade while cranking rod that all vegetables are well marinated. Skewer we put in a dehydrator, exhibiting a temperature of forty degrees and dried a couple of hours. When serving this delicious summer dishes, sprinkle with herbs on top and pour the marinade.