Delicious healing drinks from pineapple peel

It turns out that the peel of pineapple can be used to make delicious drinks, which are also good for health. With their help, you can fight constipation, fluid retention in the body, inflammation, and also get rid of parasites - and these are just a few of their many advantages.

So do not rush to throw out this part of the pineapple; in this article we will tell you about its beneficial properties and introduce you to simple recipes for drinks from the peel of the pineapple.

How will pineapple peel help your health? If the fruits present in your diet do not contain chemicals (we recommend that you eat them), it is best to eat them with the skin – it is very good for health. The same applies to pineapple, in addition, this fruit is usually grown without the addition of pesticides.

The main properties of pineapple skin
  • Helps to get rid of intestinal parasites
  • It helps to improve digestion due to the content of bromelin - an enzyme that positively affects the digestion process. Pineapple is the perfect dessert when eating meat or fish. However, it is not recommended to use it in combination with products containing carbohydrates (flour, paste, potatoes, and so on).
  • It helps to improve the work of the intestine, helps to fight constipation, hemorrhoids.
  • Protects the gut microflora
  • It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent, helps with muscle inflammation, inflammation of the larynx, etc.
  • Accelerates the healing process during post-traumatic and postoperative rehabilitation.
  • It has anti-carcinogenic properties.
  • Improves blood circulation and has anticoagulant properties (reduces blood clotting).
  • It helps to get rid of excess weight and cellulite.
  • It is an excellent diuretic, helps to get rid of excess fluid in the body.
  • Pineapple peel not only has all the beneficial properties of this fruit, but also effectively cleanses the blood.
Prepare this drink is very simple - follow our instructions:

  • Cut the skin as small as possible, put it in water and bring it to a boil (1 liter of water per medium or large pineapple).
  • When the water boils, leave it on a slow heat, preferably with the lid closed, for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that, let me brew for another 5 minutes.
  • Sweeten the drink by adding honey or stevia.
  • This drink can be consumed hot, immediately after cooking, or cold.
Fermented Pineapple Peel Drink This drink is traditional in Central and South America. It is not difficult to prepare, but you can be sure that it will pleasantly surprise your guests. It is especially recommended in cases where meat or fish appear on the menu - it will help the body digest these products.

In addition, thanks to fermentation, this drink contains a large number of probiotics that improve the functioning of the intestine.

You will need one large or two medium mature pineapples; they must be washed and cleaned. Finely cut the peel and put in a glass or ceramic container that can be sealed. In the same container you need to add 2 liters of water and 500 grams of brown or cane sugar or molasses. Tightly close the container and leave to insist in a warm place for 48 hours. After two days, the infusion must be filtered to get rid of the sediment, and after that add another 1 liter of water and let it brew for another 12 hours. After this time, add another 0.75 liters of water and the drink is ready! This drink is recommended to be served chilled. You can store the drink in the refrigerator. In the process of fermentation, probiotic microorganisms are formed in the drink; if it is infused more time, it will turn into alcohol, and then into vinegar.

The taste of the drink can be varied if you add to the container in which it is infused, the peel of an orange or pomelo, cinnamon sticks or cloves.

And finally... It is important that the pineapple is not treated with pesticides. There are two reasons for this: first, otherwise you will freely use them inside, which can subsequently adversely affect your health. Second, because pesticides are designed to fight microorganisms, they will prevent the fermentation process and the formation of beneficial bacteria. published



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