Doctors believe that banana peel healthily.

After studies British doctors appealed to the public with a rather unusual appeal relating to the use of the fruit, and in particular bananas. As it turned out, health is not only useful tropical fruit pulp of these, but also the peel.
Most people believe that eating any form of banana skin is absolutely not an option, but doctors say that to get used to the taste of the unusual additions is not so difficult. And most importantly, what is the use of fruit greatly outweighs all the discomfort, so it makes sense to try.
The benefits and health effects on the body of banana skins, it was stated in the British Dietetic Association, representatives of the British Dietetic Association. Experts say that this product is sure to be included in the menu, if there are bananas on the table. The secret is that when the fruit itself is used, primarily because of its taste, the skin at the same time - a real storehouse that contains abundant mineral elements, vitamins, nutrients. There is a lot of fruit with a surprisingly helpful skin, and now it is proved that a banana in this list.
All this confirms that the skin unjustly ignored, and it is time to reconsider the attitude of consumers to this factor. Like many other good fruits, the banana has a healing skin, because it except for vitamins, contains a large amount of fiber, it discovered lutein, carotenoids, a lot of magnesium, potassium.
However, doctors pay special attention to the tryptophan that is involved in the production of serotonin. As is known, the hormone of happiness that man is simply necessary.
Today, dietitians say that the idea of using a banana peel in food should not be denied, though, this approach seems unusual. If the fetus is immature, bitter rind, hard, but when fully ripe banana skin becomes soft, it improves taste, so there it is even pleasant.
Include a banana peel on the menu should be regarded as a matter of habit, doctors emphasize, and start drinking should be gradual. For example, you can start with a grilled banana peel, or cook a smoothie in a blender. In addition, used to peel a banana will help tea. To prepare such a beverage, brewed from a banana peel and ten minutes, and then passed through a sieve. Physicians continue to study the beneficial properties of banana peel, but at this stage, found that health is a valuable product.