The results of a raw food diet.

Almost everyone knows that the products, which are amenable to thermal treatment, that is boiled, fried, stewed and preserved, lose a lot of vitamins and lose nutrients. Thus, while the use of even very rich in vitamins, the product we get from him is only a quarter of the benefit.
That is why today is popular among people new kind of power - the raw food diet, but it's not a diet, but a way of life, the rules which must be followed for life. The essence of the raw food diet is to use raw food, of which, by the way, you can make a variety of dishes. Adhering to the fundamentals of the raw food diet, you can not just get rid of extra kilograms, but also healthier.
Eating a day a lot of different vitamins and minerals, a person younger, healthier and more attractive and confident. About syrodeenii can be found through the network, which also offers stylish women to recover from the global brands at an affordable price. If you like to wear sunglasses or you are visually impaired, and the doctor has prescribed for you points of view, a large selection of women's frames allow you to choose the most suitable and beautiful shape and design points.
Returning to the subject of raw food, it should be noted that products such as mustard, horseradish and cabbage, which prevent the development of cancer cells, high temperature completely lose their positive properties. Therefore, it is essential today to do your health and figure. Strengthen immunity, improve cardiovascular system and get rid of many diseases, the raw food diet will help you.
With this power you can cure gout, diseases of the skin, atherosclerosis, and more. Among other things, the raw food diet helps to restore the intestinal function and normalize metabolism. Raw foods are especially helpful for people who suffer from kidney ailments. Raw foodists do not know what constipation and hemorrhoids, and they do not suffer from the sluggishness of the intestine. The great advantage of the raw food diet is that you can greatly reduce the amount of salt and sugar consumed. Plus, the foods that are not subjected to heat treatment, quickly digested and absorbed by the body. Thus, we get a lot of vitamins, nutrients and minerals.