Dessert recipe for raw foodists.

Sweet lovers know how these products affect FIG. Stout man in a matter of months, so we have to look for special clothing. Alas, large size clothes do not always satisfy the requirements of modern dandies. So, we need to move to more useful desserts, recipes of which you will read in this article.
Recipe №1. Watermelon sorbet.
To prepare this dish, you need to take:
watermelon pulp (a pound);
pear (2 pieces);
The best option - it's an overripe watermelon. This turns out especially tasty sorbet. Take a blender, put back the flesh of watermelon, mango and two pears. These ingredients were thoroughly ground. It is not necessary to separate the juice. Massa, who have turned out, placed in a container and put in freezer for 5 hours. During freezing meals you need from time to time to stir the sorbet. In this case, it becomes tender and tasty. Decorate with chopped nuts sorbet and serve!
Recipe №2. Cakes with coconut.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
Dates (6 pieces);
powder with cocoa beans (2 tablespoons).
Take the coconut pulp and carefully grind it through a food processor. Dates and bananas milled in the same instrument separately. Add to the resulting mass of cocoa powder and thoroughly mix all ingredients. We form this mass of neat cakes and put them in the refrigerator. When the dish slightly cooled down, you can serve it on the table!
Recipe №3. Dessert of peaches.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
Peaches (4 pieces);
watermelon pulp (a pound);
cocoa powder (a tablespoon);
Clear the peaches from the skin and get rid of the seeds. Then the fruit cut in neat cubes. We spread them in the prepared container. Grind the flesh of watermelon to a state of mashed and added to cocoa powder. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and get the cream decorate dessert. Decorate the dish with mint leaves and serve!
Recipe №4. Cupcakes from watermelon.
To prepare the dish you need to take:
watermelon pulp (a pound);
sunflower seeds (glass);
Grapes (200 grams);
thick almond milk (glass);
honey (3 tablespoons).
In order to form the basis of the cake must take sunflower seeds, add to it 2 tablespoons of honey and the juice obtained from 100 grams of grapes. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and form a neat scones. Then we dry them in the dehydrator. When the foundation is dry, put her watermelon seedless and a small slice of kiwi. After that, pour the sauce cake. The sauce is very easy to cook. To do this, take the almond milk and add the juice of the grape. It is also necessary to add the remaining honey. Now the sauce can be considered ready. Ready decorate cupcakes grapes and mint leaves. You can taste the dish!