Furnace heater - ardent bath motor

Air oven stove are the heart of any guy - as a Russian bath and Finnish sauna. And let, their design has not changed much since the days of antiquity, progress has added a few features that make the oven more versatile. For example, there is a line of modern stoves, which are heated with wood is not, and natural gas. These heating devices can help owners who do not like messing around with firewood, or do not have access to them. but still, most people prefer the classic versions.
Buying an oven, first of all pay attention to the dimensions of the bath. Too small a furnace will be a long time to warm up the room and use an excessive amount of wood. Much the same oven, can create dangerous for life, temperature and spoil the facing materials. In addition to too large in size, the stove, you will be difficult to control the temperature bannuyu that will certainly spoil the holiday.
Modern furnace heaters can be divided into two types - open and closed.
What type installed in the bath, must themselves decide, as a matter of taste. We just need to know that the open stove more often used for metal stoves. Such a device will warm the room very quickly, but the air in it will be as dried. Therefore, open type habitually set for Finnish saunas. It's worth noting that the temperature in the room with built-in oven open, can exceed 100%. This option is perfect for situations when one evening soared several lots of people.
Sealed furnaces are much more accustomed to our edge, because they are part of the traditional classical Russian baths. They heat the sweat lodge is much longer than the open, and the wood for firewood bath will leave you a little more. However, the temperature reached will remain an order of magnitude longer, and the hot air will be much more saturated steam.
To avoid problems with delivery, quality of the material and guarantees access only to trusted suppliers. If you need advice and services of professionals oven stove for baths make here .
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