Actual changes in the body mothers during the third trimester
Beginning of the third trimester for the mother, it is marked by a variety of changes in lifestyle and the development of the fetus, as well as breach of the functioning of the body. While the baby is formed by the majority of organs and whole fruit ripening occurs in the body mothers seen a number of changes. On the one hand, many scares the destabilization of the organism, but on the other hand, these phenomena reported properly during pregnancy.
The period of 31 weeks is characterized by a change in the size and location of the uterus. The phenomenon involves changes in the functioning of many body systems. Firstly, it can be seen high growth of nails, as well as the change in volume and structure of the hair. It should be noted that at this time the weight and volume of the breast increases by an average of one kilogram. Of course, such changes at most go for the girl's hand and even attract them. But it is worth to mention the negative aspects of the third trimester, such as leak urine during pregnancy .
The reason for leaks is to change the size of the uterus, fetal movements, as well as hormonal changes. Changing the size and location of the uterus, brings pressure on the bladder, which then shrinks, creating a rich head. Since the baby is mature and has been active in the womb, there is a possibility that he accidentally touches the bladder have contributed to unpredictable release of urine. To eliminate the discharge, it is necessary to resort to self-containment, implying: the maximum emptying the bladder, frequent visits to the toilet, as well as the wearing of shims. Depending on the individual characteristics of mothers, incontinence goes away after childbirth. In case of heavy leaks continue, you must be examined by a doctor or undergo medical prophylaxis. Often, incontinence is held in a few weeks, leaving behind memories of a partial discomfort.
Lifestyle pregnant, is not significantly different from the previous week. The number of physician visits, noticeable partial stress and sleep problems that are not particularly seen in the run-up to the moment of birth.