Outdoor advertising translated into meters. Deputies proposed new amendments to the bill
State Duma Committee on Economic Policy discussed the new amendments to the bill allowing a single company to own no more than 35% of advertising spots in the municipality. MPs propose to determine the proportion not by the number of permits issued, and on sites owned by the company. Market participants believe that the new amendments give the operators at a disadvantage.
The first reading of the draft law "On Amendments to Art. 19 and 33 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" was held in late January. After the first reading, according to the deputy head of the committee on economic policy and one of the authors of the bill Vladimir Medina, the committee received about 250 amendments to the draft. The Committee is now considering the recent changes, which then will be submitted to the plenary session.
Firstly, it is proposed to consider the share of participants on permits and for the aggregate area of their surfaces. "The calculation of the total area of more objective. One solution is as a single structure, and the group. And it's not fair, "- explains Mr. Medina. At the same time, he said, the bill will not be considered temporary structures that are set not more than a year.
Places are planning to distribute the results of tenders and auctions. "Advertisers want new rules only affect new designs. And the old, established without competition and permits, let stand forever. It turns a small oil well ", - said Mr. Medina. According to him, some deputies of the offer after the law came into force for the contest all designs. But the Vladimir Medina believes that the exhibit space for the competition should be only after the end of the contract. In addition, the law will stipulate that the results of a tender or auction would be to contract with a minimum term of five years. "Originally proposed a period of one year. But hardly any construction will pay off during this time. There are, of course, fast, in Moscow, for example, is the waist. But expensive progressive designs, electronic signs, scrollers, trivizhnov, longer payback period. Therefore, the minimum rental period should be five years, "- said Mr. Medina.
Market participants did not like the new amendments. "Sometimes the operator can not make the area less than some size, because it will not be perceived. If, for example, set design on the building so that it could be seen from the third ring, it should be great. But because of the law it is not profitable to me. It turns out that someone will be a few structures on the bus, and someone one roof installation. By area, it is the same, but the revenues are not comparable, "- says CEO of" Faith & Olympus "Dmitry Dyumin. Agrees with him CEO "Espar-Analytic" Andrew Berezkin, which, however, notes that the count in areas operators - an attempt to escape from this "fuzziness" of the concept, as the resolution: "And then, and another bad operators are at a disadvantage" . The only positive thing that sees the amendments Mr. Berezkin, - increase in the minimum lease term of up to five years. "In small towns there is still a practice of annual contracts, which slows down the development of the market. If the law will now stipulates that the contract is for a year, would be a good idea, "- says Mr. Berezkin.
A deputy general director of Gallery Dmitry Gritsenko believes that the entry into force of the law will not affect the market, since none of the participants are currently no share in excess of the permitted 35%. "We plan to take market share of 20-25% maximum. But for the market it would be ideal to have 4-5 big operators ", - says Mr. Gritsenko.
The second reading of the bill will be held in late March - early April.
OLGA Trushkova Marina Noskovich
via www.rbcdaily.ru
The first reading of the draft law "On Amendments to Art. 19 and 33 of the Federal Law "On Advertising" was held in late January. After the first reading, according to the deputy head of the committee on economic policy and one of the authors of the bill Vladimir Medina, the committee received about 250 amendments to the draft. The Committee is now considering the recent changes, which then will be submitted to the plenary session.
Firstly, it is proposed to consider the share of participants on permits and for the aggregate area of their surfaces. "The calculation of the total area of more objective. One solution is as a single structure, and the group. And it's not fair, "- explains Mr. Medina. At the same time, he said, the bill will not be considered temporary structures that are set not more than a year.
Places are planning to distribute the results of tenders and auctions. "Advertisers want new rules only affect new designs. And the old, established without competition and permits, let stand forever. It turns a small oil well ", - said Mr. Medina. According to him, some deputies of the offer after the law came into force for the contest all designs. But the Vladimir Medina believes that the exhibit space for the competition should be only after the end of the contract. In addition, the law will stipulate that the results of a tender or auction would be to contract with a minimum term of five years. "Originally proposed a period of one year. But hardly any construction will pay off during this time. There are, of course, fast, in Moscow, for example, is the waist. But expensive progressive designs, electronic signs, scrollers, trivizhnov, longer payback period. Therefore, the minimum rental period should be five years, "- said Mr. Medina.
Market participants did not like the new amendments. "Sometimes the operator can not make the area less than some size, because it will not be perceived. If, for example, set design on the building so that it could be seen from the third ring, it should be great. But because of the law it is not profitable to me. It turns out that someone will be a few structures on the bus, and someone one roof installation. By area, it is the same, but the revenues are not comparable, "- says CEO of" Faith & Olympus "Dmitry Dyumin. Agrees with him CEO "Espar-Analytic" Andrew Berezkin, which, however, notes that the count in areas operators - an attempt to escape from this "fuzziness" of the concept, as the resolution: "And then, and another bad operators are at a disadvantage" . The only positive thing that sees the amendments Mr. Berezkin, - increase in the minimum lease term of up to five years. "In small towns there is still a practice of annual contracts, which slows down the development of the market. If the law will now stipulates that the contract is for a year, would be a good idea, "- says Mr. Berezkin.
A deputy general director of Gallery Dmitry Gritsenko believes that the entry into force of the law will not affect the market, since none of the participants are currently no share in excess of the permitted 35%. "We plan to take market share of 20-25% maximum. But for the market it would be ideal to have 4-5 big operators ", - says Mr. Gritsenko.
The second reading of the bill will be held in late March - early April.
OLGA Trushkova Marina Noskovich
via www.rbcdaily.ru