New advertising images VICHY in Russia
VICHY launched a new line of advertising tone prints came kremov.Otdelnymi advertising tonal resources for problem skin: Normateint - for oily skin, and the complex Normaderm, the target audience which, according to representatives of the brand, young women between 18 and 30 years old.
The rest of the creams: for dry skin, for a mixed, for mature skin, and finally for corrective foundation, decided to unite in a single ad unit.
This volume advertising allows buyers to immediately determine the choice of means. The advertising campaign will last two months, it will be placed in glossy magazines aimed at a female audience.
Creative concept belongs agency EuroRSCG. Recall that the French group EuroRSCG 2003 leading brand Vichy, owned by L'Oreal.
Past campaigns
Campaign 2005
Campaign 1999
Marina Golden
via li.ru/go?sostav.ru
The rest of the creams: for dry skin, for a mixed, for mature skin, and finally for corrective foundation, decided to unite in a single ad unit.
This volume advertising allows buyers to immediately determine the choice of means. The advertising campaign will last two months, it will be placed in glossy magazines aimed at a female audience.
Creative concept belongs agency EuroRSCG. Recall that the French group EuroRSCG 2003 leading brand Vichy, owned by L'Oreal.

Past campaigns
Campaign 2005

Campaign 1999

Marina Golden
via li.ru/go?sostav.ru
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