The coup of Samiznaetekogo advertising usual car service.
SC Matchbox advertising agency developed a series of prints for car TK Gargae, restores classic cars.
Thanks Samiznaetekomu we literally prozombirovalis scheme "was-steel". But advertising agency SC Matchbox use it somewhat unusual perspective for us in advertising the company TK Gargae, which is engaged in the restoration of classic cars. It turns out that the terms change places does not change only in mathematics and in advertising could be the key to the original idea of advertising.
via # image5304305
Thanks Samiznaetekomu we literally prozombirovalis scheme "was-steel". But advertising agency SC Matchbox use it somewhat unusual perspective for us in advertising the company TK Gargae, which is engaged in the restoration of classic cars. It turns out that the terms change places does not change only in mathematics and in advertising could be the key to the original idea of advertising.

via # image5304305
Toasters zhzhgut! Unusual advertising medium in advertising making factory.
Advertisement for real divers in the world's first underwater billboards.