He not only chocolate eyes. Axe does sweet guys
In Argetine deodorant Axe has launched a new advertising campaign. According to the idea of creative video, a young man using Axe, is transformed into chocolate.
As the website, November 27 Axe launched in the Argentine market Launch of the new fragrance for men Dark Temptation («Black Temptation"). As part of the launch of a new project by Unilever, the air went out movie "Chocolate Man". As reported in the company after the launch in Argentina, a new fragrance will be launched in other countries.
Vegaolmosponce Agency in cooperation with the American prodashenom MJZ (Lon Angeles) removed ironic video where all women are dreaming to get a piece of chocolate a man who became one, taking advantage of the new Axe.
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As the website, November 27 Axe launched in the Argentine market Launch of the new fragrance for men Dark Temptation («Black Temptation"). As part of the launch of a new project by Unilever, the air went out movie "Chocolate Man". As reported in the company after the launch in Argentina, a new fragrance will be launched in other countries.
Vegaolmosponce Agency in cooperation with the American prodashenom MJZ (Lon Angeles) removed ironic video where all women are dreaming to get a piece of chocolate a man who became one, taking advantage of the new Axe.

via adme.ru
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