Advertise with tarnished reputation
In a very limited category of goods within the creatives at times possible to find original solutions to advertise pyatnovyvoditeley.Samo name of the category of advertised products suggests that certainly need to be emphasized in advertising this product: on the spot and at their removal. Many campaigns play up the psychological aspect: the stain on clothing deskreditiruet human causes embarrassment and negative attitudes of others. These rather limited category of goods under creatives have to look for the original advertising approaches.
See also the review of advertising washing powder and washing machines.
Spots and their sources
Magic the process of removing stains
Dirty people
Pyatnovyvodyaschie karandashiAgentstvo Saatchi & Saatchi have been developing promotional campaigns for new products Ariel - compact "stick" to remove stains.
And that advertising campaigns of the American Saatchi & Saatchi, but for pyatnovyvodyaschego pencil Tide.
And a few works
via # image6397555
See also the review of advertising washing powder and washing machines.
Spots and their sources

Magic the process of removing stains

Dirty people

Pyatnovyvodyaschie karandashiAgentstvo Saatchi & Saatchi have been developing promotional campaigns for new products Ariel - compact "stick" to remove stains.

And that advertising campaigns of the American Saatchi & Saatchi, but for pyatnovyvodyaschego pencil Tide.

And a few works

via # image6397555