- Human Chaos

In the light of such people live. They achieve impressive results in the work are greatly appreciated their professionalism, while the theory of project management and time management system they are suitable as sandals knight.
This article is about those who live strange, illogical, chaotic, and still achieves the goals.
Valentine Gabysheva psychologist told me that these people are called "chaotics" described the scheme by which "men of chaos" will be easier to interact with the world, and the world - with them.
Who are chaotics? These people feel disordered spaces and processes, like fish in water. The greater the uncertainty, the less comprehensible layout and lines of conduct, the higher the unpredictability, so they feel comfortable. Vivifying environment for chaotics are processes formats with high "haosopotentsialnostyu" so often in the standard works / services in the established systems of these people are illogical when viewed from the side. Not doing enshrined in the instructions and regulations of action, they seem to specifically create their own conditions of Abraham and then worn with bulging eyes and connect all the possible and impossible resources, 15 minutes doing something that required two months of system operation according to the rules, are next New out of the situation and so on. Stay at the embrasure these people know how brilliant. They need chaos - and the price they will not stand up. So they make their lives more interesting.
But they are perfectly controlled mode MOE, in situations of "all is lost", "should have been yesterday," "catastrophe-world-is crumbling." In natural systems, no forms and norms, in those areas where there are no structures, incremental schemes makrostsenariev.
The worst thing you can do in a situation where Neutral Members bustling starts, jump to the process and to deviate from the approved plans - a call it to account and strengthen the monitoring, that is, to make his life even more order and predetermination. Cornered Neutral Members can easily turn into Bruce Willis times «Die Hard»
Jammed needs chaotics ordered structures, linear systems, hierarchies, step by step scenario, a set of fixed options, instructions, established forms. Therefore, they do not fit all the time management system for creative people: any attempt to organize even the most irrational, causing them toxicosis.

What is important to know about themselves to people of chaos? The perfect sphere of application of force, skills and abilities for them, oddly enough, the chaos-Engineering . This design neproektiruemogo, living processes, in the mode of improvisation, with unpredictable effects. Creation of nonlinear structures, dynamic templates, multivariate scenarios.
Their successful strategies chaos - response and improvisation, improvisation and response. Plus the lack of clear objectives and a structured way of schemes to achieve it. To Neutral Members did not create himself, "hot spots" in the task facing them initially to be a wide area of instability, unknown. Neutral Members did not have to understand how he did it - he had at the start should not be obvious tools for guaranteed result.
Therefore, when people decide to create chaos own projects (the author's program, book, website, blog), the biggest mistake is to choose not to do their strategies. They advise: need to approach rationally articulate and digitize goal plan, consider the steps. If Neutral Members start to follow these tips - everything arrived, thank you and sincere amen, no project will be. Because where there is structure, chaos disappears and disappears chaotics living environment.
How to identify people the chaos? There are several markers chaos.
Who's the last kings? No one? So I - the first? Chaotics enthusiastically work or "the virgin lands", in areas where they did not before the man has gone before, new projects, new fronts sites. Or "on the scorched earth", in areas where everything collapsed, it collapsed and need to raise the process from scratch. To get involved, they need a zero kilometer.
If they come to work where there is no zero kilometer, on the established process, the plotting projects parallel to the main tasks, and try on these projects "pull the blanket" do just key and move them to the status of major. He is often possible.
No one is irreplaceable, there nezabyvaemyeNa former workplace former colleagues say that with the departure of chaotics "missing the atmosphere," "Now is not the same." chaotics - masters of intangible, they create an environment, background, atmosphere. These is no certification of competence, they do not point in the summary and usually do chaotics consider this non-core to its advantage, "side effect." Unforgivable mistake.
Overall erundirovannosti chaotics study randomly
If you look chaotics way of life on the contrary, it appears that the all illogical complex trajectory of work and study - a very slender story, where each puzzle is important
"I threw of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a" guest "for about 18 months until he finally left. Because I had dropped out and did not take the normal classes, I signed up for lessons in calligraphy. I learned about serif and sans serif, about the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great.
None of this seemed to be useful for my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came in handy. And Mac was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them not. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.
Of course, it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But ten years later everything was very, very clear ».

Finally, two small PraktikumV igropraktiki for those who live according to the laws of chaos.
1. In order not to tear the red banners, no rush jobs and build their fires chaotics (and not only them), it is important to understand and identify their natural format, process, transform the space projects for themselves consciously constructively.
This requires statistics. Remember the 4-5 most successful your projects from different areas: work, hobbies, travel and so on. Find the common internal and external circumstances that were present in all of these situations, it was preceded and accompanied the their. Calculate the personal chaos code, the algorithm, you can call it "My rule of a successful project».
For example, the analysis of past achievements proved that your most successful projects are the general rules:
short duration, flash format, interchangeability / optional step, the ability to improvise, a new mode of action with negarantiruemym result.
2. Look at your chaotic, not as a freak-factor annoying feature an anomaly that should be eradicated. to figure out what her ability to hide. How is this your "anomaly" looks in other situations, when for the same expression you praise and celebrate the positive side? Turn it on "neytralku».
And then "impatience, restlessness," can you transform into a "passion, easy-going," "inability to concentrate" in the "easy pereklyuchaemost, the ability to solve several problems at once" and "scattered" in the "openness to new, willingness to grow, to change" .
In general, in the words of Henry Miller: "chaos we call the procedure, which we do not understand." So let's try to understand each other.
Author - Valentine Gabysheva psychologist.
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