Happy new year friends!
Our dear all! This is the latest material on the Website 2014 - we go on vacation. There tangerines, led dances and making snow angels.
Lest you were bored without us, we have prepared a whole bunch of different materials that can be viewed and reviewed, read and reread, passing from one article to another.
Now we turn off the computer before 8:00 January 12, 2015, but before that we need you to say something.
You are awesome !!! It's hard to believe, but this year's Website has gone 77 million people. Seventy. Seven. Million. Hosts. Man
All together you looked 740 million pages.
This kind of science fiction. Which, on the one hand, does not fit in our minds and makes your hair stand on end.
On the other hand, guys, you should have seen how we are trying to do. What zeal we come up and look for the topic as thoroughly preparing materials for publication as nervously watching the statistics for each of them. We rejoice in the success and to make the lessons from failures. We love what we do. And love for a very simple reason - because of you. When you see that the matter of your life is important and interesting to such a fantastic amount of people, you can not treat it irresponsibly, can not work in a slipshod manner and at random.
So ...
We also awesome !!! Happy New Year to all of us!
Please be healthy and happy. Let creativity be in every minute of your life. And may you always be interesting!
With love, your site
Marat Mukhametov - he invented it
Paul Radaev - and he also came up with all this
Xenia Lukicheva - the chief editor and the loudest
Pauline Byley - deputy chief editor and the loudest
Karina Gorenburg - a guru of social networks
Pauline Mingalieva - another guru of social networks
Inna Zakharova - a connoisseur of advertising, design and travel
Marat "Junior" Gubaidullin - the entire culture it
Svetlana Gorbunova - curator of books and various fun
Eva Solovyov - an expert in photography and music
Margarita Kaynova - for the main movie, comics and fur seals
Catherine Grishina - knows all about the usefulness of the site
Veronica Kamaletdinova - the most recent editor
Bulat Khaziev - the most taciturn Bild editor
Ildar Khaziev - a terse Bild editor
Eugene Pavlov - an irreplaceable concealer
via # image12103060
Lest you were bored without us, we have prepared a whole bunch of different materials that can be viewed and reviewed, read and reread, passing from one article to another.
Now we turn off the computer before 8:00 January 12, 2015, but before that we need you to say something.
You are awesome !!! It's hard to believe, but this year's Website has gone 77 million people. Seventy. Seven. Million. Hosts. Man
All together you looked 740 million pages.
This kind of science fiction. Which, on the one hand, does not fit in our minds and makes your hair stand on end.
On the other hand, guys, you should have seen how we are trying to do. What zeal we come up and look for the topic as thoroughly preparing materials for publication as nervously watching the statistics for each of them. We rejoice in the success and to make the lessons from failures. We love what we do. And love for a very simple reason - because of you. When you see that the matter of your life is important and interesting to such a fantastic amount of people, you can not treat it irresponsibly, can not work in a slipshod manner and at random.
So ...
We also awesome !!! Happy New Year to all of us!
Please be healthy and happy. Let creativity be in every minute of your life. And may you always be interesting!

With love, your site
Marat Mukhametov - he invented it
Paul Radaev - and he also came up with all this
Xenia Lukicheva - the chief editor and the loudest
Pauline Byley - deputy chief editor and the loudest
Karina Gorenburg - a guru of social networks
Pauline Mingalieva - another guru of social networks
Inna Zakharova - a connoisseur of advertising, design and travel
Marat "Junior" Gubaidullin - the entire culture it
Svetlana Gorbunova - curator of books and various fun
Eva Solovyov - an expert in photography and music
Margarita Kaynova - for the main movie, comics and fur seals
Catherine Grishina - knows all about the usefulness of the site
Veronica Kamaletdinova - the most recent editor
Bulat Khaziev - the most taciturn Bild editor
Ildar Khaziev - a terse Bild editor
Eugene Pavlov - an irreplaceable concealer
via # image12103060