Winter expectations and reality
We expect the winter magic and miracles, and enjoy the unique beauty of frost. But that's sometimes not everything goes exactly as we intended. That, of course, does not detract from our love for this time of year.
About Winter expectations and reality post Website
How do I look zimoy
Driving on snowy doroge
Ride avtobuse
New elka
Ride dachu
New vecherinka
Fell first sneg
How does otoplenie
Snowflake from bumagi
Winter progulka
Christmas decoration doma
Packing podarkov
via # image10847260
About Winter expectations and reality post Website
How do I look zimoy
Driving on snowy doroge
Ride avtobuse
New elka
Ride dachu
New vecherinka
Fell first sneg
How does otoplenie
Snowflake from bumagi
Winter progulka
Christmas decoration doma
Packing podarkov
via # image10847260