10 things that we do not tell our mothers
all mothers on both sides of the equator - is the best example of unselfish, sympathetic and faithful love. Maternal feelings - beyond time and space, not amenable to reason and logic - just because you can understand them only if you are a parent, and nothing else.
Website published an article about the fact that our mothers never racskazali to us. But this does not mean that they do not feel.
She was crying because of the vac. Often.
She cried when she learned she was pregnant. She cried during childbirth. I cried the first time you hugged. I cried from happiness. She cried because she was afraid and worried for you. She deeply feels and shares with you all the pain and all the happiness of this life, even when you are not aware of this.
She still wanted the last piece of the pie.
But when she saw you, licking his lips, looking at him with tremendous eyes, she just could not eat it. She knew that she would be much happier watching you, happy, tuck it.
It hurt.
It hurts when you pulled her hair, grabbed her with his sharp nails that could not be cut. It hurts when she breast fed you, and you biting her. You hurt her ribs and stomach, when chosen from her womb. And your coming into this world was connected to her with excruciating pain.
She's worried about you. Always.
Since its conception, it has done everything to protect you. She became the woman, who wanted to say "no" when asked a neighbor girl to hold you, and which curled into a ball, when the girl still took you in his arms. Her heart skipped two beats, when you made your first steps. She did not close our eyes to make sure you're back home safe, and wake up before anyone else, to take you to school. She was ready to snatch you from the clutches of a bad night's sleep or fever. She was always nearby to make sure you're okay.
She knows that is not ideal.
Mom for itself the worst critic. She knows all your flaws and sometimes hate myself for them. But the most difficult to account for, when it comes to you. She would be the perfect mother and do everything right - but it is a person, and therefore capable of making mistakes. I guess she's still trying to forgive myself for them. With all my heart she wants to go back and do things differently, but it's impossible. So be kind to your mother and know that she made the best of what is possible.
It is watching you while you sleep.
There were nights when sitting beside your crib at 3:00, she prayed that you finally fall asleep. She sang a lullaby to you, even though she could barely keep her eyes open. And when you finally fell asleep, she was lying next to you, and all of its lethargy disappeared at the very moment when she was looking at your face, the face of a sleeping angel, experiencing unconditional love, which is not afraid of pain and fatigue.
She wore you a lot longer than 9 months.
She needed you. Therefore, no other options left. She learned to keep you until cleaned the apartment when snatches able to eat and even when asleep. Arms tired and my back ached unbearably, but she kept you because you wanted to be closer to her. She held you to her, you loved, kissed and played with you. You feel safe in her hands, and you were happy, so she took you to the hands as often as you wanted them.
Every time you cried, her heart was breaking.
For mom there is nothing worse than hearing a baby crying and see the tears streaming down your naive baby face. She did everything in her power to stop your tears, and when that did not work, her heart is broken in a million little shards.
Are you for it is always in the first place.
She could go without food, without sleep and shower. She always put your needs are higher than their own. She spent the whole day for you, and to the end of the power just was not. But the next day she woke up even earlier and do it all again, because you are for it meant more than anything else.
She'd gone through it again.
Being a mom - the most difficult job that only can be in this world. You cry, you hurt, you try, but it does not work, you learn and overcomes own borders. But you also feel so much joy and love, it seems that your heart can barely accommodate these emotions. Despite all the pain, suffering and sleepless nights have gone through your mother, she was pleased to experience it all over again, because it's worth it. So next time you see your mom, just tell her thank you. Let her know that you love her. Believe me, it is not so often have to hear it.
Author: Natasha Craig
Translation and adaptation: Website
via www.huffingtonpost.com/natasha-craig/10-things-your-mom-never-told-you_b_6096764.html