20 cool things that everyone wants to be at his dacha
sit in the evening by the fire with friends, enjoy the sun in the afternoon, cook something delicious on the grill. Villa is not a place to work, especially in good weather.
Website has collected 20 gizmos, who wanted so much to give yourself after the summer. Or at least to dream about them.
Portable kostrische
Suspended divan
Illuminated furniture terrasy
Cooling bokaly
Swing-bed navesom
Glowing floral gorshki
Folding mini stolik
Inflatable podushki
Descent kanatu
Street kinoteatr
Summer kuhnya
Tropical dush
Table with capacity for lda
Big gamak
Place at kostra
Deckchair read
Chair kachalka
See also
20 creative things that eliminate the petty cares
20 design pieces that will make you say "I want»
20 smart objects from the kitchen of the future, which has already
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/20-predmetov-iz-kuhni-buduschego-838860/
The more you give love, the more it is
20-year-old student came up with the first system cleaning the oceans, which launched in 2016