The man donated a wedding dress, but it turned out to be a surprise

The other day one of the charity shops in England, which raises funds for the treatment of patients with cancer of the people, received an anonymous donation of stunning vintage wedding dress.

But it was a surprise that made this gift even more surprising. Store clerks were so excited that the dress photos posted on the Internet, hoping to find the person who donated it.

A surprise lay in this little note that the donor attached to the dress. It is written: "I want a girl who will wear this dress for the wedding, spend 56 happy years together with his companion. Such as happy, which I spent with his beloved. I was lucky that she was my wife ».

Now this dress sold on ebay, and bets on growing literally every day.

Store employee was able to find the author of the note, but he still wished to remain anonymous. He is now 85 years, and part with the dress it was very difficult, "But I'm really glad to hear that it will continue its life as a memory of my beloved." Such kindness we Website value the most.
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So you need to sell parrot guys
via www.buzzfeed.com/rachelzarrell/i-was-a-lucky-man#.owd8ywKVB
As we are destroying their lives and do not even notice it
Important parable of the logic and meaning of life