Zhvanetski about what is important in life

And after not difficult to understand and not realize, you begin to discover the simple things:
What's better than sleeping on air.
What better to live among the greenery.
What you need to raise the fallen.
What you need to let the house to spend the night.
What should treat everyone who entered.
What should I bring, if asked.
What do you have to pay first.
What you need to cook soup for the sick, even a stranger.
What should not be irritated irritation.
Earth must love. Water is necessary to love.
Clean air is necessary to love.
Children should want.
Quit all unnecessary. Throw away the trash.
Staying with one woman.
Laugh if ridiculous. Loudly.
Cry if hurt. Quiet.
Offend can only be a bad person. Good get away from your resentment.
It is necessary to restore their family and see who was there to know where.
Do not hesitate to go to the doctors.
Walk on the graves.
Death is death.
And to her for some time.
Thumbnail "Simple Things" from the book 'The Eighties »
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