The ex-wife did not leave her husband nothing but dogs. And that's what he did ...
On the 30th birthday of Raphael Mantesso wife left him. She took with them all: kitchen, furniture, photographs, all his belongings and decorations. The only thing she has left Rafael - is it a bull terrier named Jimmy Choo.
"Among my best friend Jimmy among the empty white walls inspiration I came over me, and I began to take pictures as the dog with joy rushes around the apartment. When Jimmy collapsed in happy exhaustion near a white wall, I grabbed a marker and drew a new world around the puppy. And I felt, how long dormant craving to draw awakens in me "- says Rafael.
As a result, man has created a series of photographs with very different subjects. Now the pair more than 200 thousand fans in instagrame, and in October, the book with the best photos of Jimmy.
Website in awe of inexhaustible optimism Raphael and his dog.
via www.boredpanda.com/interactive-illustrations-bull-terrier-jimmy-choo-rafael-mantesso/