50 facts about the innate entrepreneurs. Check out how this applies to you!
How do you know that you - a born entrepreneur, if there is nothing particularly important not taken? The site is sure: you still all ahead! Entrepreneur, writer and blogger Jason Demers has allocated 50 of the rules, habits and character traits that will inevitably occur in natural-born entrepreneurs.
1. you are unable to sit still. You have all the time somewhere scratched - you want to come up with something of such things, do something great.
2. You are always coming up with ideas. They are good, there are bad, but they are a steady stream.
3. You note defects other people's ideas. It gives you a natural way.
4. you admire successful business owners. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates - here are just a few of your heroes.
5. You are terribly rejoice in seeing a successful business. Whether it's a local bar or the supermarket chain, when you see a well-arranged business, it makes you smile.
6. You are constantly thinking about how it would be possible to improve the business of the company where you work.
7. You can not stand where you are told what to do. Are you annoyed when you have to obey orders.
8. You love to learn something new. All of these tutorials, articles, "how to do something" you just give birth.
9. Do you like dismantling things to see how they work, how they work.
10. Do you dream of wealth. Money - that's not all, but you are thinking about them a lot.
11. You do not give up easily. You meet in the way of serious difficulties, but you continue to move forward.
12. You are disciplined: you define your schedule and stick to it.
13. You are not afraid of hard work. You give 100 percent.
14. You have a high tolerance for risk. You're not going to risk blindly, but do not settle for the available.
15. You get to know people with the largest possible number of people. You are not afraid to go out and meet new people for himself.
16. You are talking to everyone he meets. Strangers you are not afraid.
17. Are you recovering from a failure. You are faced with a crushing defeat, but it did not stop you, not hurt you to go back into operation.
18. Do you like to command. Do you like it when you feel a director.
19. You set goals. Large and small - they fill your life.
20. You help people whenever there is an opportunity. Are you interested in the common good.
21. you are faced with challenges in all we do. And you are looking for opportunities to challenge yourself.
22. You find ways to inspire people. Empowered by this inspiration.
23. You plan everything to the smallest detail. Without a plan, nothing happens.
24. Are you proud of yourself. Do you like the person who you have become.
25. You help a friend to solve their problems. Are you good at analyzing the problems.
26. you effectively delegate tasks, allocate resources. This also applies to domestic work, and the work of the business.
27. you set deadlines for yourself. And not looking for excuses to break them.
28. Do you like to tell stories and to communicate to people their impressions.
29. You are a competitive person. You even board games are always eager for victory.
30. Do you feel personally responsible. If you see a car on the side of the road, you stop and ask if you can be of any help.
31. you remove from your life that does not work for you. Inefficient, annoying - all goodbye.
32. If you have any possibility of entering into negotiations. Flea markets, the salary - it is only the beginning.
33. You can see the potential in others. You see them not as what they are now, and who they can become.
34. You are calm during a crisis. When trouble starts, you are able to think logically.
35. You remind people about yourself, when you want something. You are not given the opportunity to evaporate.
36. You avoid wasting time. You have immunity to mobile games and idle chatter on social networks.
37. You convince people to switch over to their side. You're a good debater.
38. you make decisions rationally, not emotionally. For the most part you trust the logic, not emotion.
39. you do not forget about the emotions of others. And people feel sympathy.
40. When you take you for an interesting project, you forget about the time. It flies by when you are a head dive into the matter.
41. Do you often start new projects of interest.
42. Do you regularly update your house, car or anything else. There is always something you can tinker with anything that can be replaced or improved.
43. Are you crazy about new technologies. You obsessively reading about how they can improve your life.
44. Every day you stay tuned. This is a habit.
45. You devoured books. In each there is something new.
46. You are listening to your inner voice and trust your instincts.
47. You are listening to the advice of others. You make decisions themselves, but listen to the opinions of others.
48. You do not live in the past. When there is something wrong, you move on.
49. You are ready to make sacrifices for what you want. You know that something has to give up to achieve great success.
50. You can never give up the dream. You are serious about their aspirations. It is part of you.
Do you think you are - a born entrepreneur? If this portrait, you know yourself, it's time to get down to business.
via ideanomics.ru/?p=4641

1. you are unable to sit still. You have all the time somewhere scratched - you want to come up with something of such things, do something great.
2. You are always coming up with ideas. They are good, there are bad, but they are a steady stream.
3. You note defects other people's ideas. It gives you a natural way.
4. you admire successful business owners. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates - here are just a few of your heroes.
5. You are terribly rejoice in seeing a successful business. Whether it's a local bar or the supermarket chain, when you see a well-arranged business, it makes you smile.
6. You are constantly thinking about how it would be possible to improve the business of the company where you work.
7. You can not stand where you are told what to do. Are you annoyed when you have to obey orders.
8. You love to learn something new. All of these tutorials, articles, "how to do something" you just give birth.
9. Do you like dismantling things to see how they work, how they work.
10. Do you dream of wealth. Money - that's not all, but you are thinking about them a lot.
11. You do not give up easily. You meet in the way of serious difficulties, but you continue to move forward.
12. You are disciplined: you define your schedule and stick to it.
13. You are not afraid of hard work. You give 100 percent.
14. You have a high tolerance for risk. You're not going to risk blindly, but do not settle for the available.
15. You get to know people with the largest possible number of people. You are not afraid to go out and meet new people for himself.
16. You are talking to everyone he meets. Strangers you are not afraid.
17. Are you recovering from a failure. You are faced with a crushing defeat, but it did not stop you, not hurt you to go back into operation.
18. Do you like to command. Do you like it when you feel a director.
19. You set goals. Large and small - they fill your life.
20. You help people whenever there is an opportunity. Are you interested in the common good.
21. you are faced with challenges in all we do. And you are looking for opportunities to challenge yourself.
22. You find ways to inspire people. Empowered by this inspiration.
23. You plan everything to the smallest detail. Without a plan, nothing happens.
24. Are you proud of yourself. Do you like the person who you have become.
25. You help a friend to solve their problems. Are you good at analyzing the problems.
26. you effectively delegate tasks, allocate resources. This also applies to domestic work, and the work of the business.
27. you set deadlines for yourself. And not looking for excuses to break them.
28. Do you like to tell stories and to communicate to people their impressions.
29. You are a competitive person. You even board games are always eager for victory.
30. Do you feel personally responsible. If you see a car on the side of the road, you stop and ask if you can be of any help.
31. you remove from your life that does not work for you. Inefficient, annoying - all goodbye.
32. If you have any possibility of entering into negotiations. Flea markets, the salary - it is only the beginning.
33. You can see the potential in others. You see them not as what they are now, and who they can become.
34. You are calm during a crisis. When trouble starts, you are able to think logically.
35. You remind people about yourself, when you want something. You are not given the opportunity to evaporate.
36. You avoid wasting time. You have immunity to mobile games and idle chatter on social networks.
37. You convince people to switch over to their side. You're a good debater.
38. you make decisions rationally, not emotionally. For the most part you trust the logic, not emotion.
39. you do not forget about the emotions of others. And people feel sympathy.
40. When you take you for an interesting project, you forget about the time. It flies by when you are a head dive into the matter.
41. Do you often start new projects of interest.
42. Do you regularly update your house, car or anything else. There is always something you can tinker with anything that can be replaced or improved.
43. Are you crazy about new technologies. You obsessively reading about how they can improve your life.
44. Every day you stay tuned. This is a habit.
45. You devoured books. In each there is something new.
46. You are listening to your inner voice and trust your instincts.
47. You are listening to the advice of others. You make decisions themselves, but listen to the opinions of others.
48. You do not live in the past. When there is something wrong, you move on.
49. You are ready to make sacrifices for what you want. You know that something has to give up to achieve great success.
50. You can never give up the dream. You are serious about their aspirations. It is part of you.
Do you think you are - a born entrepreneur? If this portrait, you know yourself, it's time to get down to business.
via ideanomics.ru/?p=4641
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