10 facts about everything in the world that you urgently need to know
The site has prepared for you a fresh dozen interesting facts!1. Vin Diesel's real name is Mark Sinclair.
2. Two years ago, mixed martial arts instructor Sheehan Grant played an incredible hundred fights in a row in nearly six hours to raise money for a local hospital.
3. Ten days after the Chernobyl disaster, another massive heat explosion was threatened. Three engineers, later called "Chernobyl divers" - Valery Bezpalov, Alexei Ananenko and Boris Baranov - volunteered to dive underwater with a lethal dose of radiation to find and open safety valves. They averted another disaster and died within days.
4. A Cambodian man named Aki Ra spent 22 years of his life alone clearing 130 square kilometers of landmine. It works without any protective equipment, with a penknife, pliers and an ordinary stick.
5. Methuselah funds are trust funds created to accumulate vast wealth over hundreds of years through compound interest. One such giant fund was formed at Hartwick College in 1936. Experts feared that it would eventually crush the financial structure of the United States.
6. In the 1970s, researchers conducted a series of experiments on rats to study the nature of drug addiction. Rats living in single cramped cages were offered a choice of clean water or water with the addition of morin. They all chose drugs and died.
Then the researchers repeated the same experience in the so-called “rat park”, where everything was colorful, plenty of room for mating and cozy nests, lots of fun balls, fragrant cedar shavings and all sorts of other rat entertainment. The inhabitants of the rat park were almost never seduced by drugs (even if the water with it was deliberately sweetened) and never died from overdose.
7. Dubai is building the world’s first city under a roof. Its area will be 4-5 million square meters. The city infrastructure facilities will be connected to each other by seven kilometers of streets covered with a transparent dome to maintain a comfortable temperature regime.
8. On the creation of the image of Freddy Krueger, the director of “Nightmare on Elm Street” Wes Craven was prompted by a series of mysterious deaths, which he read about in the Los Angeles Times. All victims had nightmares and died in their sleep.
9. Feeding ducks bread in the park is killing them slowly. Ducks in such cases do not receive many necessary substances, which are easy to find if they get food themselves. According to experts, over the past ten years, most waterfowl have died for reasons related to artificial feeding.
10. One of the strangest cults exists among the inhabitants of the island of Tanna. These people worship the American pilot of the Second World War John Froome - "the king of fabulous America, descended to the land of the Melanesian people with wonderful cargo" (that is, "with a load" in English).
The local population puts on some sort of American military uniforms and builds fake runways with fake planes. They believe that one day John will return and bring with him trucks, co-a-cola, radio and other “priceless treasures”.
via www.fresher.ru/ 2015/04/30/interesnye-fakty-obo-vsem-na-svete/
2. Two years ago, mixed martial arts instructor Sheehan Grant played an incredible hundred fights in a row in nearly six hours to raise money for a local hospital.
3. Ten days after the Chernobyl disaster, another massive heat explosion was threatened. Three engineers, later called "Chernobyl divers" - Valery Bezpalov, Alexei Ananenko and Boris Baranov - volunteered to dive underwater with a lethal dose of radiation to find and open safety valves. They averted another disaster and died within days.

4. A Cambodian man named Aki Ra spent 22 years of his life alone clearing 130 square kilometers of landmine. It works without any protective equipment, with a penknife, pliers and an ordinary stick.
5. Methuselah funds are trust funds created to accumulate vast wealth over hundreds of years through compound interest. One such giant fund was formed at Hartwick College in 1936. Experts feared that it would eventually crush the financial structure of the United States.

6. In the 1970s, researchers conducted a series of experiments on rats to study the nature of drug addiction. Rats living in single cramped cages were offered a choice of clean water or water with the addition of morin. They all chose drugs and died.
Then the researchers repeated the same experience in the so-called “rat park”, where everything was colorful, plenty of room for mating and cozy nests, lots of fun balls, fragrant cedar shavings and all sorts of other rat entertainment. The inhabitants of the rat park were almost never seduced by drugs (even if the water with it was deliberately sweetened) and never died from overdose.
7. Dubai is building the world’s first city under a roof. Its area will be 4-5 million square meters. The city infrastructure facilities will be connected to each other by seven kilometers of streets covered with a transparent dome to maintain a comfortable temperature regime.
8. On the creation of the image of Freddy Krueger, the director of “Nightmare on Elm Street” Wes Craven was prompted by a series of mysterious deaths, which he read about in the Los Angeles Times. All victims had nightmares and died in their sleep.

9. Feeding ducks bread in the park is killing them slowly. Ducks in such cases do not receive many necessary substances, which are easy to find if they get food themselves. According to experts, over the past ten years, most waterfowl have died for reasons related to artificial feeding.
10. One of the strangest cults exists among the inhabitants of the island of Tanna. These people worship the American pilot of the Second World War John Froome - "the king of fabulous America, descended to the land of the Melanesian people with wonderful cargo" (that is, "with a load" in English).
The local population puts on some sort of American military uniforms and builds fake runways with fake planes. They believe that one day John will return and bring with him trucks, co-a-cola, radio and other “priceless treasures”.
via www.fresher.ru/ 2015/04/30/interesnye-fakty-obo-vsem-na-svete/
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