14 facts about how quickly relieve stress with the help of ice cream and combs

In order to feel happy, to fulfill his desire, need to be able to manage stress and tension. This is especially true for those people who are prone to depression or autumn long and hard part of the working collie after otpuska.Sayt publish for you 14 ways to relieve stress or just get rid of the stress on the impact of which you probably never knew existed.

Comb. During the working day spent in front of the monitor, mimic muscles so tense that the head becomes heavy and starts to hurt. One way to avoid stress - combing the hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure helps to "disperse" blood and relax the muscles.

eat ice cream. Delicious food - an effective anti-stress doping. Save a good mood, relieve stress, it helps oily fish, which contains omega-3, it is very useful for the nervous system. If you do not like fish, eat ice cream or banana. These products are better than antidepressants.

Massage. In order to save energy, massage for 30 seconds, the point under the nose, between the eyebrows, under his lower lip and in the center of the palm.

Rub palms. Another simple way to relieve tension and avoid stress. We must go all out to rub hands together until they become hot.

It is also helpful to rub your ears properly. so you can cheer up and concentrate on work.

Wash conflicts and stress. To cope with the emotional negativity helping a 15-minute shower. Stand under a warm jet of water, so they massaged head and shoulders. Soon you will feel the water carries with it all the unnecessary.

27 items. Eastern practices taught: "Do you want to get rid of sadness, move 27 items in the house." It is believed that it frees up space for the energy that can freely slide in the right direction. Try this method and see for yourself, it helps the brain to switch, forget about their problems and relax.

Staircase. Arrange a 30-second jog up and down - this exercise will enhance the flow of oxygen to the limbic part of the brain responsible for controlling emotional stress.

Paint. Psychologists have found that painting pictures within two to three minutes in periods of high stress fivefold increases the likelihood of completion of the work on time. That is, you can not only relive stress, but may create some masterpiece.

tea with hibiscus. With the accumulation of radical people experiencing anxiety and panic disorder, typical of stress. Hibiscus radicals concentrate on giving, as it dilutes them and thus help relieve stress without making you sluggish.

wave of his hands. For many people, stress is expressed in that clamped lose elasticity muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck and lumbosacral spine - hence the headaches and back pain. Good help in this case can have a massage or swimming. At home and at work, you can perform simple relaxation exercises: it is necessary to rotate the arms, bend them in different directions, and still do kicks.

Cleaning. Unfolding of things in places helps organize thoughts, focus. In addition, neat shelves, drawers, cabinets provides a kind of psychological effect - external order and organization man unconsciously brings to his own life.

minutes to think. Find a way to stay home alone to organize thoughts. Turn on your favorite music, remove from the refrigerator favorite treat, arrange in your favorite chair. Think about what you would like the most, and the desire to write down on paper. Kind of a clear plan to help decide on further action.

Aromatherapy. Smells strongly associated with emotional memory. It is therefore very useful to have at hand a fragrance associated with weathered moments of great happiness, delight, bliss. Breathe it more often, it will help maintain a good mood.

Dancing. Be sure to dance at home! The rhythmic movement to music is good help to relieve stress. Besides dancing perceived as entertainment, unlike the same exercise at the fitness club.

via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/14-neprivychnyh-sposobov-bystro-snyat-stress-1039260


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