"Crony capitalism" why all the money pulled out a small group of people, while the others get poorer
The era of growing inequality dohodovSovremennaya economic system is in crisis, similar to the effects of the Industrial Revolution. Globalization and technological boom only increase the gap in income levels of different segments of the population. On the reverse side of this seemingly positive processes in his lecture at TED has told Canadian journalist and writer Chrystia Freelance.
Century Global plutokratiiSamy important economic fact of our time is that we live in an era of growing income inequality. It is especially noticeable in the comparison of welfare of the uppermost layers of the population and all the rest, which is confirmed by the study. The most prominent examples of this fact are the US and the UK, but this is a global phenomenon, peculiar to communist China, post-communist Russia, India and Canada. We see it even in such favorable democratic countries as Sweden, Finland and Germany.
Thus, in America, 1970 10% of national income were concentrated at one percent of the population. Today, their share doubled. But even more striking is what happens at the very top of the income distribution. Currently, 8% of national income belongs 0, 1% of Americans. That is as much as the one percent 30 years ago. To understand perspective, here are other figures that were calculated Minister of Labor in the Clinton administration, Robert Reich in 2005. Reich studied the state of the two universally recognized rich - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. He found that it is equivalent to the total income of 40% of the population with the lowest income, that is 120 million people. Thus, Warren Buffett is now not just a plutocrat, he's one of the most astute observers of this phenomenon. It involves another interesting figure: Buffett likes to recall that in 1992 the total income of the four hundred participants of the list Forbes (and a list of the richest people in America) was $ 300 billion. Just think about it. You did not even need to be a billionaire to in 1992 to get into this list. Today, this figure has grown five times and is 1, 7 trillion. No need to explain that we have not seen anything like it in my life middle-class incomes have not changed, if not decreased.
We live in an age of global plutocracy, but we will not soon noticed. One reason, I think, lies in the scientific phenomenon of boiling frog. Slow and gradual changes hard to notice, even if the end result can be quite dramatic. Remember that eventually happened to the poor frog. But that's not all. Try to understand what caused this inequality, and that we can take.
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via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/10300-super-rich
Century Global plutokratiiSamy important economic fact of our time is that we live in an era of growing income inequality. It is especially noticeable in the comparison of welfare of the uppermost layers of the population and all the rest, which is confirmed by the study. The most prominent examples of this fact are the US and the UK, but this is a global phenomenon, peculiar to communist China, post-communist Russia, India and Canada. We see it even in such favorable democratic countries as Sweden, Finland and Germany.
Thus, in America, 1970 10% of national income were concentrated at one percent of the population. Today, their share doubled. But even more striking is what happens at the very top of the income distribution. Currently, 8% of national income belongs 0, 1% of Americans. That is as much as the one percent 30 years ago. To understand perspective, here are other figures that were calculated Minister of Labor in the Clinton administration, Robert Reich in 2005. Reich studied the state of the two universally recognized rich - Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. He found that it is equivalent to the total income of 40% of the population with the lowest income, that is 120 million people. Thus, Warren Buffett is now not just a plutocrat, he's one of the most astute observers of this phenomenon. It involves another interesting figure: Buffett likes to recall that in 1992 the total income of the four hundred participants of the list Forbes (and a list of the richest people in America) was $ 300 billion. Just think about it. You did not even need to be a billionaire to in 1992 to get into this list. Today, this figure has grown five times and is 1, 7 trillion. No need to explain that we have not seen anything like it in my life middle-class incomes have not changed, if not decreased.
We live in an age of global plutocracy, but we will not soon noticed. One reason, I think, lies in the scientific phenomenon of boiling frog. Slow and gradual changes hard to notice, even if the end result can be quite dramatic. Remember that eventually happened to the poor frog. But that's not all. Try to understand what caused this inequality, and that we can take.
Read more on the website «T & P»
via theoryandpractice.ru/posts/10300-super-rich