Thirty habit that will make your life much better
Just one sekretRobin Scott, a sociologist and a businessman, brought one single recommendation to improve personal effectiveness, and argues that it can change your life.
There are no simple solutions. I know that as a sociologist, who read an infinite number of motivational books and blogs about efficiency and change of life. I tried most of the recommendations contained therein, and for the most part they are to no avail. So I would not say that this test was given to me easily. I wrote it after several months of experiments convinced me that this is the simplest advice I ever received, and at the same time one of the best.
This rule never write a bestseller: no publisher would want to publish it, because even the most eloquent writer is difficult to write about this whole book.
This advice is not even born in this era of digital excess and general frustration. He gave one elderly gentleman who lived in the XIX century, his grandson teenager, now in its fifth decade.
Today, the man - the "gray cardinal" of the business world - one of the most interesting people I have ever met. He helped develop the device that is now marketed under well-known brands. Today, it only works when he feels that he has something to offer to others. It is immersed in the monitoring of the stock price, threatening the emergence of corporate crises. Sometimes, when he is interested enough, he wrote speeches for leaders of the world's largest companies and politicians, his words are estimated six figures. He only reads a lot, as well as fruitful writes. Novels. But just for fun: at the end, he removes them. He saw no reason to publish it, and does not seek publicity in general. Among his friends the most influential people of the world - from businessmen and politicians to actors and other members of the art. But if zaguglit his name, and you will find only a couple of lines.
The first time I met him for coffee at his house during the discussion of the strategy of one political non-profit organization in Africa. At the table there was a stormy debate. The owner of the house, making coffee, virtually nothing is said. But on the few occasions when he joined the conversation, his short question or comment invariably refined exactly what was really important, sweeping away unnecessary disputes, contaminating the discussion. It was a real skill is to observe the conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, leading the orchestra in the form of a student from a small town.
So when he told me the advice, the best that I have ever received, I was all for attention.
Read more on the website "Life is interesting!»
via medium.com/@robynscott/the-30-second-habit-with-a-lifelong-impact-2c3f948ead98
There are no simple solutions. I know that as a sociologist, who read an infinite number of motivational books and blogs about efficiency and change of life. I tried most of the recommendations contained therein, and for the most part they are to no avail. So I would not say that this test was given to me easily. I wrote it after several months of experiments convinced me that this is the simplest advice I ever received, and at the same time one of the best.

This rule never write a bestseller: no publisher would want to publish it, because even the most eloquent writer is difficult to write about this whole book.
This advice is not even born in this era of digital excess and general frustration. He gave one elderly gentleman who lived in the XIX century, his grandson teenager, now in its fifth decade.
Today, the man - the "gray cardinal" of the business world - one of the most interesting people I have ever met. He helped develop the device that is now marketed under well-known brands. Today, it only works when he feels that he has something to offer to others. It is immersed in the monitoring of the stock price, threatening the emergence of corporate crises. Sometimes, when he is interested enough, he wrote speeches for leaders of the world's largest companies and politicians, his words are estimated six figures. He only reads a lot, as well as fruitful writes. Novels. But just for fun: at the end, he removes them. He saw no reason to publish it, and does not seek publicity in general. Among his friends the most influential people of the world - from businessmen and politicians to actors and other members of the art. But if zaguglit his name, and you will find only a couple of lines.
The first time I met him for coffee at his house during the discussion of the strategy of one political non-profit organization in Africa. At the table there was a stormy debate. The owner of the house, making coffee, virtually nothing is said. But on the few occasions when he joined the conversation, his short question or comment invariably refined exactly what was really important, sweeping away unnecessary disputes, contaminating the discussion. It was a real skill is to observe the conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, leading the orchestra in the form of a student from a small town.
So when he told me the advice, the best that I have ever received, I was all for attention.
Read more on the website "Life is interesting!»
via medium.com/@robynscott/the-30-second-habit-with-a-lifelong-impact-2c3f948ead98
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