Rumbling in the abdomen called scientific "borbo-rygmus»

Rumbling in the abdomen, doctors called "borbo-rygmus». Plural - "borbo-rygmi». According to Dr. Michael Oncken, the word was coined by the ancient Greeks in an effort to mimic the sound that is produced by the stomach hungry man.
The muscles of the stomach shrinking every 75-115 minutes These rhythmic contractions are like waves tensioning and relaxing the stomach cavity. When there is no food, the contents of the stomach (gastric juice, gastric gases and air) moves inside, creating a rumbling sound. When there is food in the stomach, it dampens the sound, pressing the contents to the walls of the digestive tract. Some doctors believe that the movement of the stomach can create even the thought of food. Others believe that the sound of the stomach may be a natural reminder that you need to eat. According to Dr. Prudence Raysli waves of muscle contractions also have its name: 'migrating myoelectric complex ».
Source: Stephen Juan, «The odd body»
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