Most scientists do not read all the material to which they refer
Any scientific work is based on previous research. Consequently, studies abound with references to previous documents, creating the false impression that they have been thoroughly investigated and based on this new work done.
After were found similar errors in a variety of scientific materials, two researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, decided to investigate the issue. They examined several well-known scientific papers. For example, with respect to a well-known work related to the crystals, the magazine «New Scientist» wrote:
They found that the work referred to 4300, when 196 than all the errors found in the original, have removed all references and citations. 40 errors were subsequently corrected, and the remaining 156 have gone unnoticed in all subsequent documents.
Most likely, these researchers simply copy references from other sources, not bothering their view, what is successfully learned at school. This shows how the principle of "kopipaster" applies not only to the modern world of the Internet and communications, but also to the more ancient pre-computer time paper publishing and communication.
Source: www.mindhobby.com
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