Sometimes, as a teaching tool used real human skeletons
In 2011, the year it was revealed two examples of such tragic mistakes.
The skeleton of a young man was hanged for a murder committed out of jealousy, over 190 years as a textbook at the University of Bristol in western England. The most interesting thing is that the poor man was in fact innocent.
Spring days in 1821 17-year-old John Horwood (John Horwood), walking in the vicinity of Bristol, saw his former lover Eliza (Eliza Balsum) strolling with a new partner. Feelings, as written in the Victorian novels, leaped, arm itself got heavy cobblestones, who flew to the girl's head. Head injury was not too serious, but the surgeon at the Bristol Royal Infirmary (Bristol Royal Infirmary) appointed a craniotomy. When the then level of medicine it was a very risky operation, and it ended in failure - and death Eliza abscess. British justice did not understand for a long time and condemned for the murder of John. He was hanged on April 13, three days after his 18th birthday.
"God is my witness, I did not want to kill her, and wanted only to punish. While I admit that the thought of murder is valid for a moment occurred to me "- wrote in a letter to the unfortunate mother shortly before his execution.
Sad story in and of itself is not too original - if not subsequent events. The body of the hapless jealous gave Dr. Smith of the University of Bristol, who opened it in the classroom in the presence of 80 students from the skeleton made a textbook for classes in anatomy and skin wrapped same anatomical atlas. So the remains of John since and served as science has not yet stepped 67-year-old Mary Hellivel (Mary Halliwell).
Inspired by genealogy, she discovered that her great-great-great-grandfather was the brother of John, and the rights of relatives has ensured that the skeleton and the skin of the victim of jealousy and imperfections of justice was in March of 2011, finally interred in the Christian tradition, like that and like his deceased parents.
Another case occurred in elementary school, the Kerikiri, New Zealand. There this year also found the skeleton of a man who has long been considered a textbook, according to local newspaper Northern Advocate. The fact that the skeleton is not made of plastic, and, most likely, is hereby found the head teacher of the school Bastienne Kruger (Bastienne Kruger). She was going to use the skeleton as a guide to the anatomy lesson and made it to the warehouse. Upon closer examination, it was suspected that a real human skeleton. The school administration appealed to the local hospital, where they were encouraged to carry the bones to the police. The school was built in 1852, and no one knows how long the skeleton stored in the warehouse.
Source: www.vokrugsveta.ru
via factroom.ru