8 facts about insects

1. About a third of all insect species are carnivorous and most hunt for food, and do not feed on carrion and waste.
2. weight of insects eaten all year for spiders in the world, more than the weight of all the people living on the planet.
3. The young spider species Amarobia after birth eat their mother. At the same time, they continue to glorious family tradition: some females begin to devour the male even during mating.
4. Females widespread species in Europe Theridion sisyphium fed newly hatched spiderlings liquid from their own mouths. A few days later spiderlings begin to eat with her mother that she was able to get. Growing up, young ones help her to get food, throwing the victim additional networks. The relationship with the mother stop when she dies, after which the young spiders eat it.
5. However, there are spiders in the world, and less bloodthirsty attitude. Young spiders species Pandinus imperator can remain in his family even after reaching maturity. Different families often cooperate to hunt.
6. The network woven by spiders, small birds often fall. Once on the path of large mammals, the web can slow their movement. Some species of spiders build a special "garbage line" on which hang the remains of small birds.
7. Insects are food rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Larvae "vitchetti" best eaten alive, but you can fry them in palm oil. Ten large adult larvae provide all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
8. Swarm of desert locusts can consist of 50 billion. insects. Since each locusts can eat the amount of food equal to its own weight, on the day that weight swarm devours four times more food than any New Yorkers.
Source: www.radioc.ru
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