The most extreme kinds of insects
Currently, there are about 900,000 different species of insects.
But you take a look at just a few copies, which are the most-most among insects.
The biggest insect Giant Ueta with Small Barrier Reef
Ueta originally from Lesser barrier reef in New Zealand (Deinacrida heteracantha) proudly bears the name of the heaviest and largest of adult insects in the world, a record for a single insect weight 71 grams, they reach more than 8, 5 cm in length. Similar to the grasshopper, domesticated species, the giant ueta today is vulnerable to insects.
The smallest insect Dicopomorpha echmepterygis
Fairyflies - tiny family members Mymaridae, the smallest insect family known to science. Dicopomorpha echmepterygis fairyfly is a native of Costa Rica, the males of this species do not reach more than 0, 14 mm in length, about the same size, if not less than one-celled Paramecium, living in the waters of the lakes. This species feeds on the larvae of other insects.
The most poisonous insect Stinging ant
Ant Pogonomyrmex Maricopa most poisonous insects in the world, however, it does not represent any threat at all to the people. Its venom is about 25 times stronger than that of the honeybee, but it stands out in small doses so that the ant Pogonomyrmex Maricopa zazvat can be quite harmless. Most of you probably expected to see the giant Japanese hornet, African killer bees or shoot an ant from South America as contenders for the title, but oddly enough, the winner turned out to be an ordinary ant, usually located across the United States.
Insect with the longest migration Globe skimmer
Recently it was found that Globe skimmer (Pantala flavescens), insect with the longest migration. Using the monsoons, the dragonflies are traveling from India to East and South Africa and back, breaking from 14,000 to 18,000 kilometers. In addition, the long migration make these insects available food source for migratory birds, which means that if something happens with this, many species of birds will be difficult, if not "impossible" to meet their annual flights.
The fastest flying insect Southern giant Darner
This species of dragonflies (Austrophlebia costalis) can fly at speeds up to 52 km / h, making it the fastest insects in the world in terms of speed of flight. Although previous measurement say 90 km / h, most experts do not come to a consensus as to their authenticity. However, there are many people whose opinions about the title of the fastest insect differ between dragonflies, and horseflies hawk moth, due to different ways of measuring the speed of movement of insects in the air.
Insects which are most afraid of the migratory locust
Or Locusta migratoria migratory locust is probably the most dangerous insect species known to mankind. Although mosquitoes are responsible for most human deaths, the only insect locusts, which forced men to shake with horror throughout history. Although locusts - it's not a frequent occurrence in our time, locust invasions are still taking place in some parts of the world, such as Madagascar last year, or a locust invasion in 2004, which engulfed several countries in West and North Africa, which led a loss of about $ 2, 5 billion. due to agricultural devastation.
The most persistent insects German cockroach
I believe few people will be surprised by the title of this record. I mean, everybody knows the statement that cockroaches can survive the fallout and so on ... So, hoping to unearth the eyes even to some people, there may be mentioned a case where the chrysalis of the German cockroach (Blattaria germanica) was able to live in a very hostile environment : human colon. Dolly probably got there after accidentally swallowed 52-year-old woman during a meal, and somehow miraculously she survived by reaction with digestive enzymes her stomach.
A rare insect Stick Insects Lord Howe Island
That's a pretty big stick insects member family lives on Lord Howe Island, which lies between Australia and New Zealand. It is also an example of what biologists call the Lazarus effect, namely, when the species was considered extinct, but then he meets again. The current population of wild Dryococelus Australis, believed to be composed of at least 50 individuals (24 at the time of their discovery), with such a small population, of course, the view is still endangered. However, attempts are made for stick insects breeding Lord Howe Island - Australia Melbourne Zoo is breeding more than nine thousand individual representatives of this type on their specially designed breeding program.
The loudest insect corixidae
The species of cicadas, corixidae (Micronecta scholtzi), the loudest animal in the world for its size. Although the family of cicadas is renowned for its volume (some species may sing with the volume of almost 120 dB) corixidae reaching just two millimeters in length, it is possible to create a buzz volume 99, 2 dB, similar to the loud orchestra from the first row, or resembling the sound of a jackhammer from 50 meters.
The largest colony of Argentine ants insects
It was recently found that Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) is the largest colony in the world, whose dominance can compete with people! Scientists have discovered that members of the species found throughout the Americas, Europe and Japan in fact belong to the same colony, and therefore refuse to fight each other. Furthermore, a series of experiments made it clear that these super-colony may actually be one ant colony, since its members do not display a hostile behavior toward each other and recognize the smell-related pheromones, despite the fact that they are separated by thousands of miles. In addition, it is unusual, it may have been created by people who have accidentally moved them to all continents from South America.
Source: www.newsru.com
But you take a look at just a few copies, which are the most-most among insects.

The biggest insect Giant Ueta with Small Barrier Reef
Ueta originally from Lesser barrier reef in New Zealand (Deinacrida heteracantha) proudly bears the name of the heaviest and largest of adult insects in the world, a record for a single insect weight 71 grams, they reach more than 8, 5 cm in length. Similar to the grasshopper, domesticated species, the giant ueta today is vulnerable to insects.
The smallest insect Dicopomorpha echmepterygis

Fairyflies - tiny family members Mymaridae, the smallest insect family known to science. Dicopomorpha echmepterygis fairyfly is a native of Costa Rica, the males of this species do not reach more than 0, 14 mm in length, about the same size, if not less than one-celled Paramecium, living in the waters of the lakes. This species feeds on the larvae of other insects.
The most poisonous insect Stinging ant

Ant Pogonomyrmex Maricopa most poisonous insects in the world, however, it does not represent any threat at all to the people. Its venom is about 25 times stronger than that of the honeybee, but it stands out in small doses so that the ant Pogonomyrmex Maricopa zazvat can be quite harmless. Most of you probably expected to see the giant Japanese hornet, African killer bees or shoot an ant from South America as contenders for the title, but oddly enough, the winner turned out to be an ordinary ant, usually located across the United States.
Insect with the longest migration Globe skimmer

Recently it was found that Globe skimmer (Pantala flavescens), insect with the longest migration. Using the monsoons, the dragonflies are traveling from India to East and South Africa and back, breaking from 14,000 to 18,000 kilometers. In addition, the long migration make these insects available food source for migratory birds, which means that if something happens with this, many species of birds will be difficult, if not "impossible" to meet their annual flights.
The fastest flying insect Southern giant Darner

This species of dragonflies (Austrophlebia costalis) can fly at speeds up to 52 km / h, making it the fastest insects in the world in terms of speed of flight. Although previous measurement say 90 km / h, most experts do not come to a consensus as to their authenticity. However, there are many people whose opinions about the title of the fastest insect differ between dragonflies, and horseflies hawk moth, due to different ways of measuring the speed of movement of insects in the air.
Insects which are most afraid of the migratory locust

Or Locusta migratoria migratory locust is probably the most dangerous insect species known to mankind. Although mosquitoes are responsible for most human deaths, the only insect locusts, which forced men to shake with horror throughout history. Although locusts - it's not a frequent occurrence in our time, locust invasions are still taking place in some parts of the world, such as Madagascar last year, or a locust invasion in 2004, which engulfed several countries in West and North Africa, which led a loss of about $ 2, 5 billion. due to agricultural devastation.
The most persistent insects German cockroach

I believe few people will be surprised by the title of this record. I mean, everybody knows the statement that cockroaches can survive the fallout and so on ... So, hoping to unearth the eyes even to some people, there may be mentioned a case where the chrysalis of the German cockroach (Blattaria germanica) was able to live in a very hostile environment : human colon. Dolly probably got there after accidentally swallowed 52-year-old woman during a meal, and somehow miraculously she survived by reaction with digestive enzymes her stomach.
A rare insect Stick Insects Lord Howe Island

That's a pretty big stick insects member family lives on Lord Howe Island, which lies between Australia and New Zealand. It is also an example of what biologists call the Lazarus effect, namely, when the species was considered extinct, but then he meets again. The current population of wild Dryococelus Australis, believed to be composed of at least 50 individuals (24 at the time of their discovery), with such a small population, of course, the view is still endangered. However, attempts are made for stick insects breeding Lord Howe Island - Australia Melbourne Zoo is breeding more than nine thousand individual representatives of this type on their specially designed breeding program.
The loudest insect corixidae

The species of cicadas, corixidae (Micronecta scholtzi), the loudest animal in the world for its size. Although the family of cicadas is renowned for its volume (some species may sing with the volume of almost 120 dB) corixidae reaching just two millimeters in length, it is possible to create a buzz volume 99, 2 dB, similar to the loud orchestra from the first row, or resembling the sound of a jackhammer from 50 meters.
The largest colony of Argentine ants insects

It was recently found that Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) is the largest colony in the world, whose dominance can compete with people! Scientists have discovered that members of the species found throughout the Americas, Europe and Japan in fact belong to the same colony, and therefore refuse to fight each other. Furthermore, a series of experiments made it clear that these super-colony may actually be one ant colony, since its members do not display a hostile behavior toward each other and recognize the smell-related pheromones, despite the fact that they are separated by thousands of miles. In addition, it is unusual, it may have been created by people who have accidentally moved them to all continents from South America.
Source: www.newsru.com