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How simple and effective to get rid of wasps and bees

"Ah, summer red, I would have loved you..." to Enjoy the sun under the gentle breeze of the great poet interfered with flies and mosquitoes. Current cottagers all season tired of wasps. They attack for no reason, because of the innate aggressiveness. One insect attacks a few times – not always smooth stinger remains in the bite site. If your site has captured the "invaders" — follow our tips so as to get rid of wasps is difficult.

Let go of thoughts about the possibility of a peaceful neighborhood. Buzzing guests safely take to the enemies, because they:

Raspberries, apples, pears, gooseberries, grapes are particularly affected by the invasion. Small fruits insects bite indiscriminately, large eat moves and feasting companies. Wasp colonies deal with whole gardens!

Wasps are looking for sweet everywhere, in the garbage too. Visits to you and ferment on the table, washed the vegetables, fruits are fraught intestinal diseases the whole family.

  • Threaten health and life.
Insect bites cause not only pain and irritation, but also allergic reactions. Most people are not even aware of intolerance to the venom of wasps to agalimani. And the consequences are dangerous: from dizziness to anaphylactic shock.

Wasps are aggressive, attacking several times

Be sure to destroy the nest! To cope with the wasps seriously. If you survived species, the striped family eventually grows again. Therefore, the main measure in the fight against buzzing villains – the destruction of dwellings. Carefully inspect the corners of attics, balconies, in sheds, under roofs, on the site. Will remain some kind of socket the whole fight will have to begin anew. The best time to "military" action Delete the abode of the insect in the spring or late fall when they are empty. Found nests burn. In the summer it is pointless to fight in the morning and afternoon: insects fly, the nests are empty. Vindictive minke whales, finding home, will take revenge – actively attack. So it is best to destroy wasps ' nests in the evening, along with the owners.

If you capital repair apartment or build a house, prevent unwanted attacks. Wasps love for the people hard-to-reach places: under the panels, boxes, etc. Treat wooden construction chemicals – uninvited guests will not settle.

Experts in insect control will handle housing and in special funds. Disadvantages of the method – the high cost and inconvenience: expect strangers to accompany them on their territory not everyone likes.

Decided to act independently – be prepared. Pick clothes made of thick fabric, close all parts of the body. Hands protect gloves (leather), face – screens. Make sure that there are no children and Pets – how would carefully you may act, opponents can get ahead and bite.

Gather materials to fight:

  • Great bag.
  • Stairs (if the nest is high).
  • Spray.
  • Insect repellent.
You can act in different ways:
  • Drench asylum boiling water.
Likely to destroy in this way all OS a little.

  • Treat the nest with oil.
Family will die immediately.

  • Sprinkle the abode of dichlorvos.
The surrounding area is also desirable to handle. Close the socket with the "drunk" wasps with a plastic bag, tie and remove from the site. Drench with fuel and burn.

Any acceptable method to remove from his site a hornet's nest

  • Spray the nest and surrounding area in gasoline.
Most of the OS will instantly die. The living will fly away and not return.

  • Humane method – a bunch of red pepper.
Hang it near the abode of insects. Soon they leave the place.

  • Place poisonous bait.
Play treats as long as individuals are not lost.

  • Apply a special solution.
Actellic and cypermethrin in equal parts – 5 ml – dissolve in a liter of water. Spray over the "house". After 15 minutes, cut off the nest and immediately immerse in the package.

The treatment with preparations against insects ("Ghetto", "Solnet, etc.).

The remedy acts slowly, mainly, the death of starts in a day.

Choose the right size of the nest container, fill it with water to the brim. Substitute the bottom to the hornet's refuge – it must be lowered completely into the liquid. Wait at least five minutes. The nest is melted, the insects will die.

If the site was chosen by wild bees Is that they dwell in the hollow or in the premises: under the stairs, in cellars, in attics. These insects are peace-loving wasps and seldom attack without reason. How to get rid of bees? If the neighborhood makes you feel uncomfortable, be free in two ways: relocation to another location or destruction.

Two options for relocation:

Attention! Method dangerous! Only recommended if absolutely necessary.

Will acurite a smoker hive. Place lethargic bees in a bag and take to another area. We have to act quickly: if bees are on the road Wake up, the anger splashed on you.

Invite a friend beekeeper. It may wish to tame your guests. If Roy he doesn't need, ask for support in the relocation of the colony to another place.

The stages of destruction of bees:

Will acurite a hive smoker to calm the inhabitants. Spray the insecticide inside. Entrance close tightly. Place the hive in a big bag. After the death of the insects destroy the bag. How to get rid of the neighbor's bees get Rid of bees neighbor's construction can be high (two to three meters) a deaf fence. Fly over your territory continue, but at a safe altitude.

Sometimes fans place their apiaries right on the land, not caring about the neighbors

Conditions of erection shall discuss with the owner of the apiary. Humbles not the situation in case of a decisive rejection of a neighbor. Bee "terror" continues, contact the police. Will not help – decide on litigation. The beekeeper is obliged to respect the house rules.

Attention! To destroy insects neighbor's impossible! Under civil law your actions in this case are equal to the damage someone else's property. The neighbor has the right to sue you in court.

The secrets of fighting with a mud wasps and bees to Notice dug in the soil of burrows of the insect difficult. If you accidentally step on them, or stir, the owners will come in a wild rage and literally swarmed the body. Destroy the asylum one of the ways:

Drench the nest with boiling water. The light creeps insects (it's possible that soon will die, not all) seek. Inject into the hole a strong drug (for example, dichlorvos). Fill the hole with cement mortar. On 1 kg of dry cement powder take 3 kg of sand. Procedure is carried out before dawn, when the "enemies" are still asleep.

Attention! Independently should deal only with small colonies of insects. If bees and wasps very much, don't take chances, call the professionals.

Large colonies of bees and wasps don't try to destroy yourself, call the professionals

How to prevent the return of the aliens:

Remove with a knife a trail from the nest. Treat the spot with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. Spray any insecticide. Hang next sticky tape – returning brave. Actions after a sting If a wasp or bee still stung, follow these steps: Carefully inspect the wound. Find tip – be sure to remove. Apply to the bite the cold, the pain will decrease and the swelling goes down. Lubricate the affected area (what I can):
  • ointment with prednisone;
  • garlic;
  • onions;
  • parsley.

Make lotion:
  • with ammonia, diluted in water in proportion 1:5;
  • with soda solution – 1 teaspoon in a glass of water.
Take antiallergic medication: suprastin, diazolin, etc.

By the bite of bees or wasps should immediately take urgent measures

Attention! Immediately call an ambulance if after a bite you experience the following symptoms:

  • Convulsions.
  • The bronchospasm.
  • Swelling of facial tissues.
  • The increased heart rate.
  • Pain
    • in the region of the heart;
    • in the lower back;
    • joints.
Simple safety rules If a bee or wasp is circling around, do not panic and do not dismiss it. Freeze for a while – the "enemy" will fly past. Swim in the Villa pool – towel dry. Insects are attracted to the moisture on the body, and sweat. Arranging the picnic area, carefully cover the bowl of fruit, bottles and cups with sweet drinks. Do not walk barefoot on the grass and don't look in the hollows of old trees.

Remember that in nature everything is in harmony and wasps too, for something needed

Escaping from insects, remember that they bring the land use. They become the prey of caterpillars, beetles, flies and larvae of pests of gardens. If wasps and bees are slightly annoy you and not eating the crops in huge quantities, think about whether to start a war. Be kind – in nature there is no excess.

Source: 101dizain.ru