Scientists: to spank and smack children it is useless
Moms and dads who spank their children by the Pope, believe that it is an effective method of educating their child. However, many studies over the last few decades have shown that whipping and spanking cause behavioral problems in children. The research results show that if parents spank children or talking, it negatively affects the psyche of kids. What these impacts may be both short and occur in a later period.
To spank children on the butt or not
But is there any way to convince these moms and dads don't spank children? This question is George Holden — child psychologist, Professor of psychology, who advocated the use of humane alternatives to corporal punishment.
Eighteen million five hundred sixty thousand five hundred one
"Parents spank the child for a good reason. They believe that whipping and spanking will encourage good behavior. Moms and dads do not intend to harm the child. But scientific research gives us more evidence that the flogging and the slaps happen only harm", — says George Holden, the lead author of the study, which was published in the scientific journal Child Abuse & Neglect.
George Holden suggested: mom and dad will certainly cease to smack children when they learn about all these studies, more about how the negative effect of spanking and flogging.
"We can teach people not to use corporal punishment, and we have found a way by which you can very quickly change the attitude of mothers and fathers", — the expert said Holden, a Professor in the SMU psychology Department, which conducted an extensive study of the results of the whipping.
Is it possible to smack children, parents learn from grandparents
The results of the scientific work Holden has shown that a majority of parents believe that using spanking and the slaps they can force your child to respect their parents. And this faith is much stronger impact on the behavior of moms and dads than their anger. And then it does not matter naskolko serious is the misconduct of the child or whether he deliberately misbehaves.
In addition, parents form their opinion on the basis of the recommendations of others whom they trust. It is, first and foremost, grandparents, pediatricians, teachers, and even religious leaders.
Is it possible to spank children — the parents ' opinion changes
The researchers conducted 2 experiments, the first of which was attended by 118 students who have not yet had time to become parents. They were divided into 2 groups: the members of the first actively processed the information about the impact of spanking on the child's psyche. The other group just read this information.
Sixty three million one hundred twenty five thousand twelve
Several proposals have been described the connection between spankings and problematic child behavior, including physical aggression.At the end of the experiment, 74.6 percent of participants in both groups have a negative attitude to flogging and slepkan.
The second experiment was a repeat of the first. However, it was attended by students and moms and dads. After reading the scientific data on the relationship between the slaps and flogging and mental problems of the child, 46.7 percent of the parents changed their attitude to flogging and slipcam - they no longer approve such methods of education.
Source: babyreporter.eu
To spank children on the butt or not
But is there any way to convince these moms and dads don't spank children? This question is George Holden — child psychologist, Professor of psychology, who advocated the use of humane alternatives to corporal punishment.
Eighteen million five hundred sixty thousand five hundred one
"Parents spank the child for a good reason. They believe that whipping and spanking will encourage good behavior. Moms and dads do not intend to harm the child. But scientific research gives us more evidence that the flogging and the slaps happen only harm", — says George Holden, the lead author of the study, which was published in the scientific journal Child Abuse & Neglect.
George Holden suggested: mom and dad will certainly cease to smack children when they learn about all these studies, more about how the negative effect of spanking and flogging.
"We can teach people not to use corporal punishment, and we have found a way by which you can very quickly change the attitude of mothers and fathers", — the expert said Holden, a Professor in the SMU psychology Department, which conducted an extensive study of the results of the whipping.
Is it possible to smack children, parents learn from grandparents
The results of the scientific work Holden has shown that a majority of parents believe that using spanking and the slaps they can force your child to respect their parents. And this faith is much stronger impact on the behavior of moms and dads than their anger. And then it does not matter naskolko serious is the misconduct of the child or whether he deliberately misbehaves.
In addition, parents form their opinion on the basis of the recommendations of others whom they trust. It is, first and foremost, grandparents, pediatricians, teachers, and even religious leaders.
Is it possible to spank children — the parents ' opinion changes
The researchers conducted 2 experiments, the first of which was attended by 118 students who have not yet had time to become parents. They were divided into 2 groups: the members of the first actively processed the information about the impact of spanking on the child's psyche. The other group just read this information.
Sixty three million one hundred twenty five thousand twelve
Several proposals have been described the connection between spankings and problematic child behavior, including physical aggression.At the end of the experiment, 74.6 percent of participants in both groups have a negative attitude to flogging and slepkan.
The second experiment was a repeat of the first. However, it was attended by students and moms and dads. After reading the scientific data on the relationship between the slaps and flogging and mental problems of the child, 46.7 percent of the parents changed their attitude to flogging and slipcam - they no longer approve such methods of education.
Source: babyreporter.eu