
1. Insects - the first living creatures that appeared on Earth more than 400 million years ago. Since then they have experienced five mass disasters, and proved to be more tenacious than tyrannosaurs.
2. Now there are about 20 thousand. Bee species. And in order to produce 500 g of honey, a bee must be 10 million times to fly from the hive to the flower and back.
3. The female cockroach is able to postpone for a year more than two million eggs. In addition, the cockroach can live nine days without a head.
4. The weight of insects eaten all year for spiders in the world, more than the weight of all the people living on the planet.
5. There are about 35 thousand. Known species of spiders and all the while opening up new.
6. Blood snowy scorpions contains antifreeze, so that they can withstand temperatures down to minus 6 degrees Celsius. However, if such a scorpion to take in hand, he shall die.
7. The male earwig two penises, each of which exceeds the length of the very earwig. These bodies are very fragile and break easily, which is why the insect is born with a spare.
8. The ants never sleep. In a world of almost the same type of ants (8800) how many birds (9000).
9. Butterflies taste the taste of food with the help of the hind legs. The colors of their wings creates tiny overlapping scales that reflect light.
10. The natives prepare wood larvae "vitchetti" rolling them in hot ashes. Thus, they taste like an omelette.
11. Bees have five eyes. Three in the upper part of the head and two front seats. Honeybee flaps its wings at a rate of 11 thousand. 400 times per minute, creating the characteristic buzzing.
12. There are about 400 thousand. Known species of beetles. Dimensions of the largest, beetle-titanium can reach 17 cm.
13. Dragonfly - most bystroletayuschie insects. Their speed reaches 57 km / h.
14. Larvae "vitchetti" best eaten alive. Ten large adult larvae provide all the proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
15. Insects are food rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In Thailand, they are considered a delicacy, there are popular fried crickets and locusts.
16. Young spiders Amarobia after birth eat their mother. Some females begin to devour the male even during mating. Thus, the late father becomes food for their offspring.
17. At crickets ears located on the front legs, moreover, by crickets can determine the temperature: it needs to count the number of chirp per minute, divided by two, then add nine and again split into two. As a result, the temperature in degrees Celsius.
18. Approximately one third of all insect species are carnivorous and most hunt for food, and do not feed on carrion and waste.
19. Grasshoppers can jump a distance that is more than 40 times the length of their bodies, and the flea - a distance of 130 times its own height.
20. On the planet on every square mile of the inhabited areas live more than 26 billion insects. Scientists estimate that there are 5-10 million species unknown to science.
21. The tiny biting insects, midges, flap their wings at an incredible rate 62 thousand. 760 times per minute.
22. Vladimir Nabokov, author of "Lolita", personally discovered several species of butterflies in his honor, one of them called.
23. houseflies usually live near the places where they are hatched, but it turned out that under the action of the wind, they can travel a distance of up to 45 km.
24. The largest moth in the world - Attacus Altas. With a wingspan of 30 cm it is often mistaken for a bird.
25. Roy desert locusts can consist of 50 billion insects. Since each locusts can eat the amount of food equal to its own weight, on the day that weight swarm devours four times more food than any New Yorkers.