Facts about what is lacking in many.

The human brain has not been studied. It is very difficult to explain why certain priiskhodyat change it. Anyway give full features 100% impossible, as well as constructively explain, let's telepathy. This vpechetlenie that the brain is not only a "processor" person, but also a life of its own (the subconscious).
Here are some facts about the human brain:
1. The charter of the brain sleeps in parts.
When fatigue and sleep deprivation of the neurons in the brain goes to sleep on their own, while others support the body in the waking state. But it can not affect the overall efficiency of the nervous system and accuracy of its tasks.
When we suddenly forget the keys that are put in a prominent place, overshoot cups, pouring tea, and "suddenly" find ourselves face to face with a riding towards the machine - which means that some part of our nerve cells has decided to take a nap. Note: not all of the brain, and some part.
Until now, it was thought that sleep is controlled from a single center, which gives the team throughout the brain at once - to sleep or not to sleep. In an article that appeared in the latest issue of the journal Nature, scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) and the Graduate School of St. Anna in Pisa (Italy) argue that it is not. Individual neurons can fall asleep on your own, and in this case the dream can spread throughout the brain from multiple independent points.
To measure the activity of nerve cells in rats administered various electrodes in regions of the cortex. After that, they were not given long to fall asleep, prolonging wakefulness four hours beyond the normal. Externally, the animals remained active, long-term insomnia but some neurons begin to fall asleep. Such was little: in one experiment, electrodes were introduced into 20 cells, two of which subsequently fell asleep. Nevertheless, in the absence of seemingly different from a good sleep in rats, those animals whose neurons are turned off when lack of sleep were observed abnormalities in motor activity. In the experiment, rats were asked to get a piece of sugar, overcoming a series of obstacles. It required the coordination and full control over the muscles; movements that need to be demonstrated to produce sugar in the daily life of rats were not met.
Sleepy animals, in contrast to normal, made many small mistakes: overshoot sugars, let him out of the clutches and the like. D. All this points to the fact that the dream of several neurons in general wakefulness did not pass unnoticed. Errors will start a few hundred milliseconds after falling asleep nerve cells. Thus, if in a dream went from neurons of the cortex responsible for sensory function, not the motor, rats cope with the task properly.
The researchers emphasize that the general EEG brain activity such point attenuation does not affect: the brain continues to demonstrate the waking state. Nevertheless just felt fatigue and loss of attention from the lack of sleep regularly. Now it is obvious that the reason for this is an attempt of the brain's sleep "piecemeal": certain zones go to sleep while the rest of neurons maintain wakefulness. But better good and deep sleep than wakefulness is evil.
According to the materials ScienceNews.
2. When we communicate, the brain subconsciously take into account the social status of the interlocutor.
Area of the brain responsible for social motivation, activates stronger if we talk to people of the same with us socioeconomic status. In "interclass communication" brain prefers not to invest.
Our brain prefers us to communicate only with those who match us, say scientists from the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda (USA), published by the relevant material in the journal Cell.
The researchers tested how the human brain responds to information about the socio-economic status of the other person. The work was done with the help of magic wand modern neurophysiology - method of functional MRI; The experiment involved 23 people. First, each of them were asked to assess their own status on the 10-point scale (three parameters were evaluated: education, career, income). Then placed in the experimental apparatus for fMRI and showed two pictures of other members of the experimental group, accompanying every comment on the status depicted. Information about people were obtained during the preliminary interview, that is not to invent the experimenters; In addition, the subjects were not personally acquainted.
After that, the scientists asked about those who were in the photographs. Here's how it sounded: "Who of them repeatedly fired from work?", "Who is depicted in the" Ivy League "(association of elite universities in the United States. - Approx. Ed.)?" And so on. D.
During the response, as expected, was activated so-called ventral striatum, a region of the striatum (striatum), which is responsible for social motivation and reinforcement system. Most of all, this area was excited when people discussed the picture of the one who was with him the same social status. It turned out a scientific proof saying "no one is hungry fed": it is easier to establish social contact with people of the same circle with you and for everyone else is not worth a try (and strain the striatum). The brain evaluates social status vis in the future forms in accordance with this our behavior.
Previous studies conducted in primates, focused on reactions to social status within the group, ie, monkeys, looking at photo neighbor, knew everything about each other. This experiment more "pure" in the sense that the participants were not familiar; all the necessary information they reported the scientists. However, as the authors say the work for a more complete conclusions about the social and behavioral characteristics of our brain needs much greater statistics, including on different social and age groups.