4 scientifically proven advantages of handwriting

If you try to write something by hand on a sheet of paper, you probably notice that the letters have come out crooked, looking more like a wand and circles than the actual letter. This happens because many of us are used to writing by pressing keys on the keyboard and looking at the monitor instead of the sheet.
Today every educated person should be able to write by hand, even if it uses this ability in life very rarely. Moreover, the letter from the hands of a number of very useful features.
1. It is easier to something uchitsyaPerepisat necessary information on hand - one of the most effective ways to remember and save it. The fact that the process of writing on paper with inks stimulates part of the brain called the reticular activating system, or PAC. This system - a kind of filter for everything that needs to be processed by the brain, and the physical act of writing by hand puts a recordable information you provide to the fore automatically perceiving it as the most important.
2. It is easier to formulate mysliMnogie famous writers prefer writing novels by hand, rather than on a computer or typewriter. At least, so they make the very first sketches of his works before transfer them to a computer for further editing.
It is believed that the letter from the hand of the desired thoughts come faster and easier to set out. Moreover, as a rule, the speed of your letter corresponds approximately to the speed of your thoughts. Fingers on the keyboard this idea overtake - you do not have time to think about how to be a proposal, but had to take over another.
3. Since you will not otvlekatsyaKompyuter standing in front of you, can be called "a killer time." So if you're writing something, you want to block applications such as social networking or entertainment portals, which are the most serious distractions. Of course, the Internet - it's not bad, and there is a study which confirmed that five-minute break to watch a funny video to help you work more productively.
But if you work on a serious thesis, these interruptions can be disastrous. Paper and pen will not allow you to lose the idea, if you want to limit the concentration of - because you will not be able to be distracted by nonsense.
4. As your thoughts do not lose clarity and sharpness as stareniyaPismo by hand - a practice not only for your wrist, but also for your brain. The act of writing is developing your motor skills and sharpness of mind. Moreover, it helps you maintain mental clarity and activity as they age. And the characters written by hand, whether it be a note or Chinese characters, are remembered better than those that you write on a computer.
via factroom.ru
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