If you drink too much tea, you run the risk of ill rare bone diseases

47-year-old woman from the US state of Michigan has received a rare bone disease after over 17 years of age to drink daily 100 tea bags. The last five years of her troubled lower back pain, hands and feet, and in the end the American went to the doctor. On the X-ray was clearly distinguishable abnormal bone density dorsal vertebrae and calcification of ligaments of hands.
Doctors found the patient fluorosis - bone disease that occurs when prolonged ingestion of water or food with a high content of fluorine compounds, which include tea. The level of fluoride in the blood of patients was four times higher than normal.
Fluorosis - endemic, often found in regions of the world with a natural high content of fluoride in drinking water, including parts of India and China. But in Europe and the United States is a rare phenomenon.
Dr. Rao Sudhaker from Henry Ford Hospital, a specialist in endocrinology and bone and mineral metabolism, said that the patient initially appealed to them with suspected cancer, which may also appear on the x-ray as an area of dense bone. But as Rao had seen similar cases in his native India, he immediately understood what it is.
Typically, an excess of fluorine is excreted through the kidneys. But if a person consumes a lot of fluoride, for example, overly fascinated tea, eventually forms a fluoride crystal deposits in the bones. The doctor advises in such cases really stop to drink tea, and then often observed improvement - fluorine deposits will gradually dissolve as the bones have the ability to regenerate.
via factroom.ru
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