In the UK, you can order professional mourners for funerals
If you are afraid that your funeral will come too few people and events may seem of minor importance to society, then contact the company «Rent-A-Mourner», which means "Rent mourner." The company offers those invited to the funeral of his "polite and well-dressed professionals" who will be present at the funeral and memorial service and at the same time crying about you. Service fee - $ 68 for one mourner.
To hired workers fit well in terms of unpaid mourners to their funeral in detail informed about the life, habits and preferences of the deceased. According to information on its Web site, a service many people have already booked for a funeral, where the expected low turnout.
Europeans it may seem wild, but in Africa, China and the Middle East, paid mourners - a common occurrence, and can often be seen at the funeral.
via factroom.ru
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