15 of the strangest professions from around the world
Many people get a lot of money for doing the unimaginable weird stuff. In this list you will find 15 of the most unusual professions in the world, ranging from costume designers for the elephants to professional cleaners ears.
The seller of the shocks with a Taser (Mexico) In Mexico, some men carry "caja toques" – a small wooden chests battery powered, which release electrical charges – and offer passers-by for $ 2-4 to get an electric shock. This service is in great demand among the visitors of bars and Nightclubs. Some Taser sobering, others say that after it get drunk even more. Hosea – push passengers per subway car (Japan) are Constantly complaining about how public transport in the morning is crowded with people? Say thank you that you do not live in Japan, where there is such a profession as "Hosea" is a worker, whose task is to ensure that during the hours of peak literally shoved into the subway car as many passengers as possible. Professional Animalize (Japan) Japan is a country that never ceases to amaze. There are plenty of unusual public institutions, among which worth mentioning a cafe where for about a dollar an hour you can take a NAP or just lie down in the arms of the most that neither is a real girl. This trend is starting to gain popularity in the United States. In 2012, in Rochester (new York) opened a place called "the Snuggery" (English can be translated as "a cozy place for a big hug"), where for only $ 50 you can enjoy a 45-minute stay under the wing of professional animality. The causative agent of pandas (China) As you know, bamboo bears are not able to produce offspring in captivity, so zoologists have to go to various tricks to force animals to breed, for example, show them "Panda porn" or give pills "Viagra". The person who is involved in all this, in China, informally referred to as the causative agent of pandas.
A professional mourner (Africa, China and the middle East) About this practice is first mentioned in an article in the newspaper "New York Times" from 1877. The profession of a mourner is quite popular in the modern world. Men and women who do this, in fact, get money for that shed tears and lament; the aim is to create an atmosphere of grief and sorrow. In the UK there is even a special website where you can order the services of a professional mourner. The cost is $ 45 for 2 hours, plus incidental expenses. Guard vehicles (Costa Rica, Brazil) Guards of vehicles engaged in looking after your vehicle while you go about your business. The cost of their services ranges from 1 to 10 dollars. Cycling Rybolov (Amsterdam) Amsterdam is the city where more bicycles than residents, so it is not surprising that many of the aforementioned two-wheeled vehicles for whatever reason find yourself in one of the city's 165 canals. In the management protection of water resources Waternet in the state there are special workers who each year are caught from the canals of Amsterdam to 15,000 bikes. Perekryvatel car numbers (Tehran, Iran) As the authorities imposed restrictions on the number of cars on the roads (the owners of cars with license plates ending in odd and even numbers, are forced to travel on different days), drivers are forced to hire people who follow the vehicle or stand behind it so that the room does not hit the lens of street cameras. The determinant of the sex of chickens (large commercial incubators) These well-trained professionals pay, in fact, that they determined the gender of newborn Chicks. They do so usually by visual inspection of the open cloaca is certainly not a pleasant sight.
Ostrich babysitter (South Africa) the duties ostrich babysitter comes to look after the birds and to ensure that they do not fight among themselves. That's all. Meter maid on a paid Parking lot in Golden bikini (gold coast, Australia) Such a sexy female in swimsuit Golden brown on paid parkings of the city appeared in 1965. Then they had to ensure that drivers do not exceed the allowable time for Parking after the payment. Today, with the advent of electric meters, they basically give certain directions and posing for pictures. Consultant for gender equality (Sweden) "What is the responsibility of the consultant on gender equality?", – you will ask. To wear a bikini with a Golden color and it is a joke. In fact, they ensure that the country does not violate stereotypical gender norms. Have no idea what that means. The Keeper of the Stanley Cup (Canada and the United States of America) This trophy is awarded to the winner of the Stanley Cup finals (national hockey League), and during the summer it goes from one member of a team triumph to another, who have the right within 24 hours to use it at your own discretion. The Stanley Cup always and everywhere must be accompanied by a guardian. Even in the pool.
A professional ear cleaner (India)
Professional ear cleaning is an art, albeit a dying; they say that in India it is passed from generation to generation. People that do this usually work on the streets. They clean the ears of a man from "foreign bodies, sulphur and dust" with a needle, on which is wound a cotton ball and tweezers. Costume designer for elephants (India, Sri Lanka, China, South Korea) In countries such as India, China and South Korea, there are people who are engaged in making the elaborate and colorful costumes for the elephants. In these outfits the animals then perform at religious festivals.
Source: /users/1081
The seller of the shocks with a Taser (Mexico) In Mexico, some men carry "caja toques" – a small wooden chests battery powered, which release electrical charges – and offer passers-by for $ 2-4 to get an electric shock. This service is in great demand among the visitors of bars and Nightclubs. Some Taser sobering, others say that after it get drunk even more. Hosea – push passengers per subway car (Japan) are Constantly complaining about how public transport in the morning is crowded with people? Say thank you that you do not live in Japan, where there is such a profession as "Hosea" is a worker, whose task is to ensure that during the hours of peak literally shoved into the subway car as many passengers as possible. Professional Animalize (Japan) Japan is a country that never ceases to amaze. There are plenty of unusual public institutions, among which worth mentioning a cafe where for about a dollar an hour you can take a NAP or just lie down in the arms of the most that neither is a real girl. This trend is starting to gain popularity in the United States. In 2012, in Rochester (new York) opened a place called "the Snuggery" (English can be translated as "a cozy place for a big hug"), where for only $ 50 you can enjoy a 45-minute stay under the wing of professional animality. The causative agent of pandas (China) As you know, bamboo bears are not able to produce offspring in captivity, so zoologists have to go to various tricks to force animals to breed, for example, show them "Panda porn" or give pills "Viagra". The person who is involved in all this, in China, informally referred to as the causative agent of pandas.

A professional mourner (Africa, China and the middle East) About this practice is first mentioned in an article in the newspaper "New York Times" from 1877. The profession of a mourner is quite popular in the modern world. Men and women who do this, in fact, get money for that shed tears and lament; the aim is to create an atmosphere of grief and sorrow. In the UK there is even a special website where you can order the services of a professional mourner. The cost is $ 45 for 2 hours, plus incidental expenses. Guard vehicles (Costa Rica, Brazil) Guards of vehicles engaged in looking after your vehicle while you go about your business. The cost of their services ranges from 1 to 10 dollars. Cycling Rybolov (Amsterdam) Amsterdam is the city where more bicycles than residents, so it is not surprising that many of the aforementioned two-wheeled vehicles for whatever reason find yourself in one of the city's 165 canals. In the management protection of water resources Waternet in the state there are special workers who each year are caught from the canals of Amsterdam to 15,000 bikes. Perekryvatel car numbers (Tehran, Iran) As the authorities imposed restrictions on the number of cars on the roads (the owners of cars with license plates ending in odd and even numbers, are forced to travel on different days), drivers are forced to hire people who follow the vehicle or stand behind it so that the room does not hit the lens of street cameras. The determinant of the sex of chickens (large commercial incubators) These well-trained professionals pay, in fact, that they determined the gender of newborn Chicks. They do so usually by visual inspection of the open cloaca is certainly not a pleasant sight.

Ostrich babysitter (South Africa) the duties ostrich babysitter comes to look after the birds and to ensure that they do not fight among themselves. That's all. Meter maid on a paid Parking lot in Golden bikini (gold coast, Australia) Such a sexy female in swimsuit Golden brown on paid parkings of the city appeared in 1965. Then they had to ensure that drivers do not exceed the allowable time for Parking after the payment. Today, with the advent of electric meters, they basically give certain directions and posing for pictures. Consultant for gender equality (Sweden) "What is the responsibility of the consultant on gender equality?", – you will ask. To wear a bikini with a Golden color and it is a joke. In fact, they ensure that the country does not violate stereotypical gender norms. Have no idea what that means. The Keeper of the Stanley Cup (Canada and the United States of America) This trophy is awarded to the winner of the Stanley Cup finals (national hockey League), and during the summer it goes from one member of a team triumph to another, who have the right within 24 hours to use it at your own discretion. The Stanley Cup always and everywhere must be accompanied by a guardian. Even in the pool.
A professional ear cleaner (India)
Professional ear cleaning is an art, albeit a dying; they say that in India it is passed from generation to generation. People that do this usually work on the streets. They clean the ears of a man from "foreign bodies, sulphur and dust" with a needle, on which is wound a cotton ball and tweezers. Costume designer for elephants (India, Sri Lanka, China, South Korea) In countries such as India, China and South Korea, there are people who are engaged in making the elaborate and colorful costumes for the elephants. In these outfits the animals then perform at religious festivals.
Source: /users/1081