7 historical facts on how mobile phones have changed the world

Day 3 April 1973, the year has changed the life of mankind, and has become a landmark for the development of communications. On this day, the people of Motorola Martin Cooper made the first call in the history of the New York office of Motorola DynaTAC. Senior engineer at Cooper boastfully told his interlocutor that he became the first man in history, talking on his cell phone. The device was about 22 cm in length and includes 30 cards, talk time is only 35 minutes and the charge - 10 hours.
10 years after the first call Motorola, I was finally able to release a model in DynaTAC 8000X. sale, which at that time was worth $ 3,500 and weighed more than a kilogram. Like today vosmidesyatipyatiletny says Martin Cooper, because of the high cost and the impressive size of the first mobile phone, he believed that such phones will never be popular in the global market.
The expert of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mike Short, described the first call Cooper as "a breakthrough and challenge the public." According to him, before the launch of a mobile phone on the market, engineers and scientists have conducted many studies and tests in the field of telecommunication. "Since the first use of the phone 40 years ago, our lives have changed because of cool technology - he says - the first decade can be called the demo era, when we tried to understand the market, clients and their needs. Then came the globalization of digital technology, sales skyrocketed. This was hard to imagine a couple of decades ago ».
7 facts about mobile phones: Then and Now 1. The first phone-clamshell: in 1989, Motorola has created a model MicroTAC. Its length was about 22 cm in the unfolded form, and weight - about 350 grams.
2. phone for teenagers: in 1999, the year the Nokia 3210 has received wide popularity among school children and adolescents. The secret of success was "Snake" - the first video game on mobile. In addition, the device is designed for a series of colored panels that will not leave indifferent young users.
3. The introduction of color: to release Sony Ericsson T681 phones were only black and white, whose screen is more like a simple calculator. Model T681 has become, literally, a shining example of the fact that the phone display can be colored, and technology move forward. In addition, the phone appeared Bluetooth, MMS, e-mail and internet access via WAP.
4. Danger cool phone if Nokia 3210 was popular among teenagers, the model Danger Hiptop became the first mobile business-class. He was released in the year 2002 and made a splash. The screen of the phone is 2, 6-inch, there was the Internet, and the new instant messaging service AIM.
5. Capture business mobile phones: in 2003 he was released BlackBerry model 6210, which won the business by storm and business scope. Businessmen began to spend time and read a post, instead of useful outdoor games with kids.
6. The first true smartphone: The Treo 600 from Palm's was the first attempt to take over the PDA market. The phone had a camera, player MP3, a full keyboard and a full-color screen 2, 5 inches. And its operating system is called the mastermind behind Android and iOS.
7. When the phones have sex: Razr became the first mobile phone that has combined high technology and "thoroughbred" beauty. Unlike plastic competitors, the new model Motorola, published in the year 2004, was made of aluminum in a futuristic style. Worldwide, it sold 130 million such phones.
Catherine Snyatovskaya
via factroom.ru
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