Fancy Phones
They know how to surprise the simple, seemingly a mobile phone. Producers who do not go on banal way, do not get involved in the race processors or displays, and create their own, original and unlike the other models in the market of electronic gadgets. We present some of them with their creations.
In Russia, few people know that in India all make mobile phones. But among the producers of this country have, and deserve special attention. For example, Micromax, focuses on the design of phones and smartphones. However, filling the futuristic design is not consistent. For example, unique in its kind smart phone with built-in Bluetooth-headset and provocative name X450 Van Gogh has the same functionality as the usual smart-monoblock five years ago.
In Russia, not for sale.
Brand BenQ-Siemens in Russia became known for producing square "music" phones. These colorful gadgets are more like mp3-players, however, are complete with the ability to make phone calls, write messages and even take pictures and videos. And everything else they really integrated player. In addition, the model Qube Z2 there are so many interchangeable panels. They do not just differ in color, but many have an embossed pattern or design. Together with Siemens, the company has released an interesting phone with a separate control panel for mp3.
The official Russian retail phone no
KDDI - a Japanese telecommunications company, which not so long ago took up the issue and smartphones. Of course, the original, like all Japanese. So, KDDI Infobar A01 features minimal design, while at the same time, unlike the rest of smartphones. Function buttons made therein as "pyatnashek". Another example - secure smartphone G'zOne IS11CA with a functional "electronic wallet". And two years ago, the Japanese manufacturer introduced Android-smartphone, devoid of traditional speaker. To transmit sound vibrations are used, which transmits sound to the eardrum.
In Russia, the device is not for sale.
Just 5 - domestic brand handsets and smartphones recently. First, designers have surprised everyone "babushkofonov 'for hipsters - model CP10S (price - 2850 rubles) got as much in the eight cases of acid colors.
It turned out to be non-standard and large size button, and a kind of cosmic body design, and even charge an unusual bright orange. As a consequence, these phones initially designed with the expectation of the older generation, have become popular among hipsters, clubbers and other fashionable youth.
After the "Space backgrounds" the company has released two models retro phone: brutal "Bricks» Brick with a retractable antenna and design in the style of the 90s from the studio Lebedev (price - 2950 rubles).
The latest design mobile phone brand - SURF with the appearance of a la Nokia 3310 and cost about 900 rubles.
At year-end manufacturer, seemingly alone "hipster-dialers" and acid "babushkofonov" released smartphone Just5 Spacer, which proved to be Russia's first Android-design background. In addition, it is today still the most affordable 5-inch smartphone with a 4-core processor - the device will be cheaper 5 000. Included with the unit are two removable rear panel - dark gray and white.
Phones class "luxury" manufactured by Gresso, registered in Switzerland, and included in the Top-10 most expensive phones in the world. All devices are made of high quality titanium alloy, which is widely used in the aerospace industry. All models - hand-built, decorated with engraved titanium, white or yellow gold. At year end, the brand released its first smartphone Gresso Radical. With all the external splendor gadget features a very modern set of features: 4-core processor, 4, 5-inch screen, 8 megapixel camera and two slots for SIM-cards. However, the characteristics of the models for the owners of the brand - it is not important, the main thing - the image. In Russia, the phones are sold at a price of 55 thousand rubles (for the version with engraved titanium) to 70 thousand engraved yellow gold. Moreover, the first owners are asked to select to engrave a unique serial number. For those who already have a trendy smartphone, but I want to drastically increase the degree of its prestige, the company offers blankets, bumpers made of titanium and alligator with an engraving of yellow and white gold for the iPhone 5S and the Galaxy S4.
Under the brand bb-mobile produces unique electronic devices of various categories, including - children's mobile phone with the components of security and control subscriber's location. Each model has a unique design, which should bring the child. On devices at least the functions and buttons - a child can get through to the parents via a shortcut. In addition, the models are equipped with integrated GPS-receiver, with which you can track the location of a child on the map. The price of mobile phones - about three thousand rubles.
It turns out, is not "iPhones" one can stand out from the monotony of "pipes." He has attracted some of the unusual gadgets?

In Russia, few people know that in India all make mobile phones. But among the producers of this country have, and deserve special attention. For example, Micromax, focuses on the design of phones and smartphones. However, filling the futuristic design is not consistent. For example, unique in its kind smart phone with built-in Bluetooth-headset and provocative name X450 Van Gogh has the same functionality as the usual smart-monoblock five years ago.
In Russia, not for sale.

Brand BenQ-Siemens in Russia became known for producing square "music" phones. These colorful gadgets are more like mp3-players, however, are complete with the ability to make phone calls, write messages and even take pictures and videos. And everything else they really integrated player. In addition, the model Qube Z2 there are so many interchangeable panels. They do not just differ in color, but many have an embossed pattern or design. Together with Siemens, the company has released an interesting phone with a separate control panel for mp3.
The official Russian retail phone no

KDDI - a Japanese telecommunications company, which not so long ago took up the issue and smartphones. Of course, the original, like all Japanese. So, KDDI Infobar A01 features minimal design, while at the same time, unlike the rest of smartphones. Function buttons made therein as "pyatnashek". Another example - secure smartphone G'zOne IS11CA with a functional "electronic wallet". And two years ago, the Japanese manufacturer introduced Android-smartphone, devoid of traditional speaker. To transmit sound vibrations are used, which transmits sound to the eardrum.
In Russia, the device is not for sale.

Just 5 - domestic brand handsets and smartphones recently. First, designers have surprised everyone "babushkofonov 'for hipsters - model CP10S (price - 2850 rubles) got as much in the eight cases of acid colors.

It turned out to be non-standard and large size button, and a kind of cosmic body design, and even charge an unusual bright orange. As a consequence, these phones initially designed with the expectation of the older generation, have become popular among hipsters, clubbers and other fashionable youth.
After the "Space backgrounds" the company has released two models retro phone: brutal "Bricks» Brick with a retractable antenna and design in the style of the 90s from the studio Lebedev (price - 2950 rubles).
The latest design mobile phone brand - SURF with the appearance of a la Nokia 3310 and cost about 900 rubles.
At year-end manufacturer, seemingly alone "hipster-dialers" and acid "babushkofonov" released smartphone Just5 Spacer, which proved to be Russia's first Android-design background. In addition, it is today still the most affordable 5-inch smartphone with a 4-core processor - the device will be cheaper 5 000. Included with the unit are two removable rear panel - dark gray and white.
Phones class "luxury" manufactured by Gresso, registered in Switzerland, and included in the Top-10 most expensive phones in the world. All devices are made of high quality titanium alloy, which is widely used in the aerospace industry. All models - hand-built, decorated with engraved titanium, white or yellow gold. At year end, the brand released its first smartphone Gresso Radical. With all the external splendor gadget features a very modern set of features: 4-core processor, 4, 5-inch screen, 8 megapixel camera and two slots for SIM-cards. However, the characteristics of the models for the owners of the brand - it is not important, the main thing - the image. In Russia, the phones are sold at a price of 55 thousand rubles (for the version with engraved titanium) to 70 thousand engraved yellow gold. Moreover, the first owners are asked to select to engrave a unique serial number. For those who already have a trendy smartphone, but I want to drastically increase the degree of its prestige, the company offers blankets, bumpers made of titanium and alligator with an engraving of yellow and white gold for the iPhone 5S and the Galaxy S4.
Under the brand bb-mobile produces unique electronic devices of various categories, including - children's mobile phone with the components of security and control subscriber's location. Each model has a unique design, which should bring the child. On devices at least the functions and buttons - a child can get through to the parents via a shortcut. In addition, the models are equipped with integrated GPS-receiver, with which you can track the location of a child on the map. The price of mobile phones - about three thousand rubles.
It turns out, is not "iPhones" one can stand out from the monotony of "pipes." He has attracted some of the unusual gadgets?