Facts of Skype

1. Skype - free software is closed source, enables encrypted voice communication over the Internet between computers (VoIP), as well as paid services for calls to mobiles and landlines. The program also allows to make conference calls (up to 25 voice users, including the initiator), video (including a video conference subscribers to 10), and provides the transmission of text messages (IM) and file transfer. There is an opportunity instead of an image from a web camera to transmit the image from the monitor screen. 2. Skype company was founded by two entrepreneurs - Swede Niklas Zennstrёmom (Niklas Zennström) and Dane Janus Friis (Janus Friis). The authors of software have become Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn - the same as those who participated in the creation of software for file-sharing Kazaa. The first release of the program and the site appeared in September 2003. 3. In October 2005 the company was bought by eBay for about 2, $ 6 billion. (Later pay in addition another $ 500 million), although the company's annual turnover was less than $ 100 million. In April 2009, the leaders, eBay announced that in the first half 2010 Skype will be sold at the stock exchange, as the activities of the company does not fit with the business of online auction. In November 2009, eBay sold a majority stake of Skype in a deal that estimated the entire company in the sum of $ 2, 75 billion dollars. In May 2011, Microsoft has agreed to buy Skype Technologies for $ 8, 5 billion. 4. The headquarters of Skype is based in Luxembourg and has offices - in London, Prague and Tallinn. 5. Skype client can be installed on a compatible phone or PDA, this gives significant cost savings due to low tariffs of the system. However, mobile operators do not want to lose income and otherwise inhibit protsess.

6. Paid services Skype: SkypeOut (calls to numbers) Allows you to make outgoing calls to landlines and mobile phones in most countries. Payment is per minute, differentiated. Calls to free numbers (such as 1 800 in the US) is free, with use of them may even users who do not pay for the services SkypeOut. Also included are produced via SkypeOut calls Skype-phone c mobile application Skype Lite. After 180 days after the last call SkypeOut balance expires. SkypeIn (online number) Allows you to receive phone calls from users of traditional telephone networks. At the same time participant will receive a phone number in one of the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia, France, UK, USA, Japan and Hong Kong (China). All incoming calls to this number will be sent to your account Skype, but with a positive score can divert calls to any phone number. As a bonus to the phone number, Skype provides free voice mail for the duration of the use of numbers. Russian online numbers for Skype provides some operators of IP-telephony. Skype Voicemail (voice mail) lets you record incoming messages when the user is offline, and works as an answering machine. Skype To Go number is a special access number to which you can call from any phone (landline or mobile) to be associated with another number at low rates, the funds thus withdrawn from the account Skype. Sending SMS The ability to send SMS messages from Skype software for mobile phones. 7. Skype manufactures and sells a variety of products for the Skype. For example, wireless telephone RTX Dualphone 3088 for calls without a computer. This phone allows you to make and receive calls both via Skype, as well as in a conventional telephone network without a computer. In addition, Skype headset lets Freetalk Wireless - Wireless Headphones with USB-transmitter for wireless communication via Skype, equipment for video calls (Freetalk Buddy Pack) and webcams (Freetalk Connect 2). 8. A user may have more than one account. 9. broadcaster British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB), 40% of which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, is going to challenge in court the validity of the use of the trademark Skype, as it is consonant with BSkyB and sociological studies show that consumers often perceive them as a single brand. 10. Microsoft is May 10, 2011 bought Skype for $ 8, 5 billion. Over time, as Skype put up for sale, the company has received offers from Cisco, Google and Facebook. Microsoft will integrate Skype with many of its existing products and services. The company also plans to maintain and develop the Skype client for Mac OS and Linux. 11. In 2005, Skype bought children from Ebay for 2, 6 billion dollars, but in 2009 they sold their stake to a consortium of investors for 1, 9 billion. 12. At Skype 170 million active users, and in the past year, users have told 207 billion minutes, including video zvonki.

13. Residents of California Samuel Kim and Helen were married about using Skype. Online marriage had to spend because of the fact that on the day, which was scheduled wedding, 27-year-old groom was in the hospital and unable to attend the church. According to Kim, he wanted to persuade his fiancee to postpone the wedding, but she insisted on holding celebrations, and finally agreed to the marriage of love on Skype. Witnesses videoconference bride and groom became 500 guests gathered in the church, where, during the celebrations was Helen O. 14. The company Joltid, owned Zennstrёmu and Friis and is the owner of the intellectual property rights to the software Skype, eBay accused of violating the license agreement, and announced intention to break it. eBay filed a lawsuit demanding to recognize the illegal revocation of a license, what Joltid filed a counterclaim. The hearing was scheduled for June 2010. In case of defeat in court eBay would have to develop its own software from scratch, it could be worth tens of millions of dollars. September 16, 2009 Zennstrёm and Friis have filed another lawsuit, this time to eBay, the new owners of Skype, and former director Joost Mike Volpi to ban the work of Skype, to compensate the damage caused by an infringement of copyright and to allocate plaintiffs revenues from unlicensed use Tech Global Index, the underlying Skype. The amount of damages referred to in the statement of claim, increased daily by 75 million dollars. November 6, 2009 settlement agreement was reached, according to which Joltid, Zennstrёm and Friis in exchange for the waiver of claims and licensing of their intellectual property received a 14% stake in Skype. 15. Little-known possibilities Skype: - In the sequential clamping of 3 or more buttons on the keyboard, when typesetting the text in the box, the caller does not see writing pencil and cat's paws. - Pressing the buttons in a random order, you can see the hands that break a pencil in two. - In addition to the built-in emoticons, Skype includes several "secret". Here they are: (smoking) or (ci) - smoking smiley
(bug) - beetle
(poolparty) - a party in the pool
(bandit) - Bandit
(drunk) - a drunken smile
(headbang) - beating my head against the wall
(mooning) - Demonstration buttocks
(rock) - Rock
(finger) - shows Sredniy finger
(toivo) - a girl with a dog
(fubar) - pokes a finger
(heidy) - protein
(swear) - foul language
(tmi) - covers his face
(myspace) - a symbol of social network MySpace
(flag: «2 letter state"), such as the Russian flag - (flag: ru) In a chat when writing / admin identifies all possible commands.
Source: mirfactov.com/