Mobile phones as an integral part of modern life

In the world there are many amazing events. And as sports equipment uses a variety of items of everyday life. Mobile phones as an integral part of modern life - is no exception. Here are some unusual events and records for which you may fight each winner of the "mobile phone". 1. Championship throwing mobile telefona

Championship throwing mobile phones Minske

2. The winner of the 2007 in the free stile

The winner of the 2011 freestyle was born in Finland, "sport" has been around for 12 years and during that time became popular in various countries. To become "the best thrower," we must not only continue to throw all their "mobile", but also like the members of the jury. For example, the 2008 champion was normal dog who is very artistic chewed phone of the owner. And in the 2007th - the guy who skillfully juggled three "tubes". The record for the flight range of their mobile phone set 18-year-old Finn Epe Karialaynen -101, 46 m. 3. Championship speed dial SMS-soobscheniy

4. Championship on speed dial SMS-soobscheniy

5 Winners LG Mobile Worldcup-2011 LG Mobile Worldcup - an international annual competition to identify the person to type SMS fastest in the world. For the first time it was held in 2008, and today there are 13 countries, some of whom are Russian. The competition takes place in several stages: first defined a national leader, and then the best of the best fighting for an impressive prize. Record for typing speed of 160 characters belongs Briton Melissa Thompson. She did it for 25, 94 seconds. Competition for playing Angry Birds

6. The winner of the championship Angry birds

7. The championship Angry birds kind of "shell" in the mobile competition may become a popular game. This is what happened to his beloved by millions of subscribers Angry birds, and in 2011 in Finland, the first championship on a throwing "evil birds." The task - to get as many points in just a few levels. Today championships Angry birds are held in many cities around the world, including Russian. Telephone bega

8. Robot transformer from buduschego

9. The robot spy Romo to take part in them are any phones with the regime "vibration." Many of us had fun this way during recess at school. Today, these races can become as popular as throwing phones in Finland. You can come up with a robot, or to make an original design in the form of a steam locomotive. A little initiative and imagination - and success is not far off. 10. The longest razgovor

Mobile competition can be informal. To fight for a new record with a mobile phone and everyone can. For example, to become the most talkative and talk to Tony Wright (Tony Wright). His phone conversation lasted as much as 40 hours without a break, and he talked with shoppers Tesco. Take part in such competitions can anyone who has a telephone. The main thing is to choose a universal model for training: that was inexpensive, versatile and economical. For example, Highscreen Alpha GTR with dual-core processor at 1 GHz and support for Android 4.0 will cost 11,990 rubles. This is the first smartphone with two SIM-cards, which is equipped with a large 4.5-inch HD-display, and similar models from famous brands are at least twice as much (20 thousand rubles). This gadget is definitely a suitable size for the long flight and speed dial SMS. Highscreen Alpha GTR is equipped with two SIM-cards, which means practicing the longest talk and send messages fast can be inexpensively. Enough to choose the optimal tariffs for calls and send SMS. Otherwise, there is every chance of becoming antirekordsmenom as French Solen San Jose. Girl presented a bill for mobile communications at 11, 7 quadrillion euros - of course, by mistake, but for a while mobile operator refused to admit his mistake.
Source: mirfactov.com/