One minute before death

Zimbabwe reserve staff pulled out 5-year-old elephant out of the swamp, where it stuck for more than 12 hours ago and all this time fighting for zhizn.

Elephant saw a group of tourists who went on a safari around the river Zambezi.

Apparently, the kid was in the swamp mud for a long time and he no longer had the strength to fight. By the time he got stuck in the mud up to his neck and could not dvigatsya.

When in place emergency rescuers arrived caused by tourists, it has become clear that it is necessary to act very quickly: the elephant was so hard to keep the trunk above the surface of the puddles that he could at any moment to choke. The first came to the elephant safari park owners wife Anneliese and Bradley White, who heard an SOS on the radio. Later they were joined by rescue workers. Together, they tried to get the baby out of the swamp with the help of ropes and verevok.

- In our area it happens quite often with elephants. Animals are attracted native vegetation, leaves and young shoots of trees, - says Bradley Uayt.

- Elephants are drawn up for the leaves, and do not look down. So they sink into mud bogs, which are dying of starvation and dehydration, as well as due to circulatory disorders in nogah.

Elephant managed to pull out of the swamp. The rope was tied around the neck of the calf. According to rescuers, the neck is strong enough and elephants to break or damage it in such a way nevozmozhno.

Rescuers arrived, it became clear that the baby was exhausted in a puddle from the previous evening, that is, not less than twelve and a half hours. Despite such a long time in the swamp, kid almost immediately got on nogi.

- Elephant good feeling. Despite his young age, he already can he feed himself - said Bradley Uaet. - We have no doubt that everything will be fine, but it is to look after him, so he did not get back in the same situation.
Source: mirfactov.com/