You can smell the heart
nose - is not the only body capable of detecting odors. The same "aid" is in the heart, lungs and blood. When the chemical compounds into the air from foodstuffs and other substances "meet" the bag, they come into contact with the olfactory receptors, triggering signals that inform the brain that there was any odor. It was believed that these receptors are only in the gelatinous connective tissue back of the nose, but there is growing evidence that other organs are also there.
For example, sperm contain specially smelling receptors, and it is believed that they play a role in helping sperm finding the egg. But scientists at the German Research Centre for Food Chemistry recently found that human blood cells are attracted to the molecules associated with certain smells. Scientists have placed separate blood cells and other cells with a strong odor, and blood cells began to move towards them. Though not entirely clear whether this mechanism is equivalent to the processes occurring in the nose or not.
via factroom.ru
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