Man who lied and was not caught, is inclined to optimism

Recently, psychologists have discovered a curious fact: undisclosed lie makes a person more optimistic about the future than if he had to make excuses. Of course, provided that from the lies no one was hurt.
«The research of my colleagues found that when a person intentionally lies to cause damage to someone, then he tends to feel guilty. Our experiments show that cheating can bring satisfaction, provided that directly harms no one "- says one of the study's authors Nicole Rudy, of the University of Washington.
blockquote> In the experiments, was attended by over a thousand volunteers, most of whom were men aged 20 to 30 years or so. Participants performed the test items, while one group of volunteers have had the opportunity to spy on the correct answers, while others could not do. Then the researchers asked volunteers to evaluate the test results, and those who took the opportunity to learn the correct answers (of one of the groups had accumulated 68%), were generally more positive in their opinions than members of the group, which had no chance to cheat.
The problem lies and the experiment affects employees, University of London: the volunteers offered to cope with mathematical puzzles for a limited period of time. However, each participant in the room was an actor, playing the role of the same volunteers who were required to report when the time allotted for tasks expired, and evaluate the results. In some cases, the researchers report lzheuchastnik inflated estimates of what was known to the volunteers present, but none of them tried to tell the truth.
«The satisfaction of fraud may be one of the reasons that people are lying, even when the benefits of lies entirely insignificant - sure Nicole Rudy. - In the future, we intend to investigate whether the pleasure of falsehood to motivate people to deceive, "- added the psychologist.